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The entire time Jimin told Yoongi his truth, the elder listened to every word while remaining emotionless as Jimin did the opposite and cried his heart out.

"Hyung... I'm so sorry..." Jimin whispered through his tears.

Yoongi looked away and sighed out. "He manipulated you too... you're a victim too... I understand how it is to be so weak... to just be used by him."

Jimin sniffled and wiped at his tears. "I really do love you... I don't know why I treated you that way..."

"It was Jungkook! He rooted his way into your head and just took over like a nasty weed..." Yoongi said.

Jimin nodded before he sighed out as he used his shirt to wipe his face. Yoongi sighed out and shook his head. "I can't-! ...god I can't believe I almost took him back!" Yoongi said as he began to tear up.

Jimin sniffled. "What are you going to do now?" He asked.

Yoongi sighed out. "I don't know... God, I don't know! I'm so scared... scared he'll do something crazy if I leave him... if he'll fucking hurt me even worse.... That I'll regret it if I let him go. I'm so fucked up in the head because of him!" Yoongi exclaimed.

Jimin walked over and sat next to him, gently clasping his hands over the elder's. "Maybe I can help... maybe we can build a case against him." Jimin said.

Yoongi looked up at him as tears pooled out of both of their eyes. "A case?"

Jimin nodded before he stood up. "He use to hurt me too, not just mentally... it was subtle at first, until I caught on..." he said.

Yoongi pouted as he watched Jimin walk over to the kitchen counter and grab his phone before he brought it back over to Yoongi.

Yoongi watched as he showed him a couple of pictures of small bruises before he showed him a video Jimin had secretly taken.

"Were you flirting with that guy?" Jungkook asked in the video. Yoongi could only see the sky as the phone was faced down on the table they were seated at.

"No. Baby, why do you always think I'm flirting with someone-"

"Cause you do!"

"I don't notice, but if it seems like it, it's innocent and doesn't mean anything... I'm with you-"

"Fucking Bull shit!" Yoongi watched as Jungkook grabbed Jimin's face and shook him a bit, Yoongi assumed it was when no one was watching them.

"You're a fucking liar! You flirted with Yoongi-hyung when you knew he was with me! You're a fucking tease, Jimin."

"Jungkook, your grip is too tight! You're hurting me!" Jimin whisper-shouted, but Jungkook ignored him.

"You know no one else is going to love you like I do! You and I are meant to be together forever-!"

"Shhhh, baby calm down... I'm not going anywhere. I'm sorry for upsetting you, okay? I'm sorry... please... can you let go of me, it really hurts." Jimin whimpered out, but Jungkook held his grip as he stared into Jimin's eyes with a possessive glint.

Yoongi sniffled as he pushed the phone away. "Please... I can't watch anymore..." he whispered.

Jimin moved on and showed Yoongi the pictures of his face from that altercation. He had purple spots along his jawline from where Jungkook's fingers had been.

Yoongi looked up at Jimin who closed his phone and sighed softly. "He can't get away with this..." Yoongi whispered.

Jimin nodded before he gently rubbed his finger tips over Yoongi's bruise. "He can't ... and won't if you agree to help me... we can do this together, hyung..." Jimin said.

Yoongi looked up into his eyes before he nodded. "Okay..." Jimin gently squeezed his hand. "I've been talking to my lawyer already about it so I'll try to set up a meeting for the three of us... do not talk to him... if you have to cause of the kids keep it simple."

Yoongi nodded before he looked away. "Okay... Can I ask one thing?" He asked.

Jimin nodded. "I'll answer anything."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him. "Do you know what your name is in his phone? Or what he use to save it under when he was cheating?"

Jimin sighed as he thought. "I'm not sure of the name but he told me you thought it was someone from work."

Yoongi scoffed. "Was he here yesterday? When he said he was going to work?" He asked.

Jimin looked away before he nodded. "Yes... but he-!"

"You don't need to explain yourself to me... I... I gotta go." Yoongi said as he checked his watch.

Jimin grabbed his hand as he stood up. "I'm so sorry, hyung..."

Yoongi squeezed his hand. "It's okay... I'll keep in touch..." he said before he went to retrieve Minji.

Jimin walked them to the door and sighed softly as he and Yoongi looked at each other.

Yoongi smiled. "Thank you... for coming clean today... for confiding in me..." Yoongi said softly before he hugged the younger tightly.

Jimin raised his eyebrows before he hugged him back. "Yeah... thank you for listening-"

"I forgive you, Jimin-ah... let go of your guilt, okay? Find happiness again and enjoy being free." Yoongi whispered into his ear before letting go of him and taking Minji's hand before they walked outside.

Jimin followed them to the parking lot and waved to them as they made their way to Yoongi's car. Minji hesitated with her hand on the car door before she looked over at Yoongi. "Daddy?" She asked.

Yoongi looked at her. "Yes, Butterfly?"

"I'll be right back." She said before she ran back to Jimin and into his arms.

Jimin broke down a bit as he hugged her back and kissed the top of her head a couple times. "I love you so much, baby." He whispered.

She smiled. "I love you too, Dad." She said before she gave him one last big gummy smile. Jimin chuckled a bit before he watched her run back over to Yoongi and get in the car. Jimin waved one last time before they drove away.

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