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"Should I walk you inside? Or the both of us?" Hoseok asked Yoongi as they sat in front of Taehyung's practice.

Yoongi smiled and shook his head. "No, you guys dropped me off right in front of the door. I'm sure I'll be fine." Yoongi said before he gently moved Hoseok's head to the side and checked himself out in the review mirror.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "You look fine, hurry and go! Maybe if you two finish early, we'll get in sooner!" Hoseok said excitedly.

Yoongi sighed softly and pouted before he grabbed his bag of food and stepped out of the car.

Hoseok rolled down the window and smiled at him. "I was serious about going in early, so hurry up! Your man is waiting for you."

Yoongi blushed and waved him off. "S-Shut up. He's not my man... we- we're... just... existing together... in the same house, temporarily... sometimes we have sex! Sometimes we just talk and cuddle... or just kiss..."

"You're boyfriends." Hoseok deadpanned.

Yoongi blushed more and looked away. "Not officially... we haven't talked about it."

"Maybe you should! Go talk to him about it now! Do you know what you want from him?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi pouted. "I like him a lot... like a lot... but Jungkook... you know, maybe he'd leave Taehyung alone if he knew I stopped seeing him!"

Hoseok shook his head. "No! Are you crazy?! He'd just swoop in! And I'm sorry hyung... but I just don't think you'd be able to refuse him."

Yoongi nodded. "I could! I want to be with Taehyung, I just don't want to see him hurt... especially hurt because of me."

Hoseok nodded. "I really think you should talk to Tae about this, hyung. Make the decision together. Communication is very very important. You really think Joonie and I would still be together if we didn't sit down and talk things out?" Hoseok asked.

Namjoon shook his head. "We would of been over years ago." He said. "I think you should take Hobi's advice, hyung. Maybe not right now but soon." Namjoon said.

Yoongi sighed and nodded. "Okay... I'll talk to him about it later. I'll see you two in a bit." Yoongi said softly before he shut the door and walked over to the entrance.

Namjoon and Hoseok left as he opened the door and walked inside. He looked around before he made eye contact with one of the nurses. "Hello." He said. "I'm here to see-"

"Oh! Mr. Min! Right?" She asked enthusiastically. Yoongi blushed a bit and nodded.

"Doctor Kim showed us your picture and told us to let you right in! Come on, follow me." She said before she lead Yoongi to the back and to Taehyung's office.

Yoongi looked around as she stood in front of Taehyung's office and knocked on the door. "Doctor? Your visitor has arrived." She said as she cracked the door open a bit.

Taehyung looked up at her immediately before he quickly got up and checked himself out in his mirror. "Do I look okay?" He asked in a whisper. The nurse giggled and nodded before she opened the door more and moved over to reveal Yoongi.

Yoongi blushed as he looked Taehyung over in his black slacks, black dress shoes and his white buttoned up shirt accompanied with a solid black tie. He had left Yoongi's house in the same outfit but now he had his white lab coat on. His once wet black curls now dry and bouncy.

"Hey." Yoongi said softly.

Taehyung smiled brightly. "Hi hyung! Come in!" He said.

Yoongi smiled and thanked the nurse before he walked into Taehyung's office and looked around. Taehyung walked behind his desk after shutting the door. "So I thought we could do your little exam while we waited for the food to arrive-"

Yoongi blushed as he held up his bag. "I.. well I actually made us something, but I can save this for the kids-"

"That's even better! I love your cooking! I'd have it every day if I could." Taehyung said as he set his phone to do not disturb and set it facing down on his desk before he walked over and sat on the small couch in the corner of his office.

Yoongi smiled and sat next to him, placing the bag in between them. Taehyung watched him with a smile as Yoongi started to take the food out.

Taehyung's smile slowly began to disappear as he started to fidget. He looked Yoongi over with concern before he cleared his throat.

Yoongi glanced up at him. "You okay baby?" He asked. Taehyung nodded before he sighed softly. "I was going to ask you the same thing... have you... you haven't- um..."

Yoongi looked at the younger with a confused expression until it dawned on him what Taehyung was trying to ask. "No, I haven't heard from him." Yoongi said softly.

Taehyung let out a shaky sigh and began to rub his sweaty palms on his thighs. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he watched him. "What's wrong? Isn't it a good thing that he hasn't bothered us?" Yoongi asked.

Taehyung shrugged. "It scares me more than him constantly bothering us, if I'm being honest. Makes me feel like he's like... planning something. Do you... do you think he's capable of killing?" Taehyung asked.

Yoongi laughed a bit before he shook his head. "No... no! He wouldn't go that far." Yoongi said before he reached over and held Taehyung's hand tightly.

"Baby, he wouldn't do that, so don't stress yourself out over that thought. Let's try to think of the positive stuff! Like us getting to spend a LOT of time together." Yoongi said with a smile as he set the now empty bag on the floor before scooting close to Taehyung. He gently kissed the younger's cheek before softly caressing his face.

Taehyung smiled and nodded before he looked at their food. "We should hurry and eat." He said. Yoongi nodded his head vigorously. "Yes! I'm starving!" He said before he began to open the containers.

Taehyung smiled as he watched Yoongi fill up his plate. He thanked the elder before he watched as Yoongi make his own plate, piling the food on.

"You okay baby? Did you not eat earlier?" Taehyung asked as he watched Yoongi begin to eat.

Yoongi took a moment to finish before he answered. "Yes... but I'm like really hungry right now." He said with a shrug.

Taehyung smiled and nodded. "Okay well eat up, we'll go do your exam afterwards baby."

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