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"YOU SAW WHO AT THE STORE?!" Hoseok asked as he and Yoongi prepared the snacks and pizza.

Yoongi blushed and smiled. "Hobi... it's not that big or a deal- Ah and yes, you'll actually get to meet him tonight. If he shows up-"

"Oh he will!!!" Hoseok exclaimed. "I haven't met him yet and I can already tell that he's like super into you! Like he wants to tie you down... marriage wise and probably sexually too-"

"Hobi! Hush! Anyways... I'm not worried about that because he and I are just going to be friends, remember?" Yoongi said as he poured chips into a bowl.

"Friends. Mhm. I got you, hyung... friends." He said before he winked.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before he grabbed the bowl of chips and another platter and walked into the living room where Namjoon and Minji were trying to figure out the remote to turn some music on.

Yoongi sighed. "Two geniuses in the house and you'd think they'd figure out how to use the remote." Hoseok said before Yoongi smiled at them and held out his hand.

Namjoon handed him the remote and watched as Yoongi easily turned the music on. He handed the remote to Minji. "Pick whatever you want. Hobi and I are going to get the rest of the stuff." He said as he turned to walk back in the kitchen, but Minji stopped him.

"Daddy, is he coming?" She asked.

Yoongi shrugged. "I haven't checked my phone. I left it in my room if you wanna check it for me, Butterfly."

"The passcode?!" She shouted from the hallway.

"The months you and your siblings were born!" Yoongi shouted back.

Yoongi and Hoseok finished getting everything set up as Minji walked out of Yoongi's room. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon were all laughing at something Namjoon had said, their laughter dissipating as they all looked over to Minji who had a scared look on her face.

She turned to Yoongi with tears swelling in her eyes. "Daddy... I-! I didn't mean- I'm so sorry!!!" She said before he began to cry more.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows before he walked over to her and squatted down to her level. "Baby, what are you talking about?" He asked.

She sniffled and looked down at his phone in her hands. "I accidentally texted Jungkook..." she whispered.

Yoongi chuckled a bit. "Baby, it's okay. I'll just tell him it was suppose to be for Hobi-"

"It had his name... in the text.... Daddy, I'm so so sorry!" Minji said.

Yoongi sighed a bit. "Baby, it's really okay. I mean I didn't really want him to know quite yet but Taehyung and I aren't even seeing each other like that. Also, I really doubt he cares." Yoongi said as he gently took his phone.

That's when Minji grew very quiet. Yoongi looked at her before he started to unlock his phone. "He's very very mad..." Minji whispered.

Yoongi opened his and Jungkook's messages and sighed out in frustration as he read them over.

Whose Taehyung?
You're already seeing someone else?
I know I have no right to be mad but what the fuck
Wow, guess I was wrong about you.
Maybe our marriage didn't mean shit to you either since you can rebound so fast.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before he went to text him back, but Namjoon snatched his phone. "Hyung, ignore him. Tonight's about Minji, plus you have your new friend coming over."

"Friend." Hoseok said with a smirk and wiggle of his eyebrows as he gently nudged the elder.

Yoongi chuckled a bit before he sighed out. "Right... RIGHT! Ugh forget him!" Yoongi said as he took his phone back from Namjoon.

"And my Dad!" Minji shouted.

Yoongi looked at her. "Baby, I... I don't want you to hate your dad-"

"I don't, but he hurt you too. More than once. So for you, forget him!" She said.

Yoongi smiled before he gave her a hug. "From here on out, no negatives! Okay? Only good! Like... karaoke!" Yoongi enthused as he pulled the karaoke machine out from the nearby closet.

"YES!" Namjoon exclaimed.

Yoongi laughed. "We can do duets too!" He said as he held up two mics.

"I CALL FIRST PICK! But, we can't do that till Taehyung-oppa gets here." Minji said.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows before he opened his phone again and looked at his and Taehyung's messages. Minji had sent the same message to Taehyung she had to Jungkook.

Yoongi smiled. "You really do like him, don't you?"

Minji nodded. "Plus, he said he's gonna bring me a present! And you! Remember?" She asked.

Yoongi blushed as Namjoon and Hoseok smirked. "Present? Is your present a tan color? Tall? Smart? Fucking sex-"

"Babe. If he shows up, I might just have to take you home." Namjoon warned.

Hoseok giggled "No no no! I'll behave! Besides, that's all hyung's!"

Yoongi groaned. "Just my friend." He mumbled before he blushed as he got a text.

Be there in 20 ☺️🎊
Can't wait to see you, cutie!
Oh and Minji of course! 😊😊😊

Yoongi smiled to himself before he looked up and blushed even more as the other three were all looking at him. "He... he's on his way." Yoongi whispered shyly.

"Yay!" Minji exclaimed.

Yoongi rolled his eyes as Hoseok teased him again. "Yeah yeah!" He said. "Come on, let's go, Hobi." He said as they walked back into the kitchen.

"I thought we did-"

"Just come here!"

Yoongi sighed out and ruffled his hair up. "I'm nervous... I- I shouldn't of invited him! I barely know him!"

"Get to know him then?"

"What if he's a serial killer? Or just a plain creep?! I don't know!" Yoongi exclaimed.

Hoseok sighed. "You need to chill it with the true crime dude. And I really think you'll be okay. I get it's scary... but if you don't want to be alone forever you're gonna have to get back out there. Obviously not right this second, talk to him, let him know and move on from there. Just trust me though. You didn't listen to me about Jungkook and look what happened. I told you he was just going to end up hurting you and he has multiple times. Trust my instincts!" Hoseok said.

Yoongi sighed and nodded. "I will... I'm sorry. I'm just scared. The two people I've ever been in love with hurt me badly separately then together, so excuse me if I'm a little fucked up and apprehensive towards a new person. Plus Jungkook and I haven't been separated that long and I am still in love with him, those feelings don't just go away no matter how fucking much of an asshole he is..."

Hoseok pouted and hugged Yoongi tightly. "It's okay, just take it slow. But don't deny yourself happiness, hyung. You deserve to be happy more than anyone! And don't be nervous, I can always have Namjoon talk his ear off if you need a breather."

Yoongi smiled and he hugged Hoseok back. "I really don't deserve you Hobi-yah." He giggled as Hoseok reached down and pinched his butt. "Don't talk like that hyung. We are soulmates. I'll do anything for you." He said. Yoongi smiled for a second before the blood drained from his face as the doorbell rang.

"Fuck. He's early! I'm not- ugh what do I even say to him?! Should I change pajamas?! He's seen these!" Yoongi asked. Hoseok laughed and gently grabbed Yoongi's arms. "Breathe! You'll be okay! Let's go greet him together, okay?" Hoseok said.

Yoongi took a deep breath before he sighed out. "Okay... okay! Let's go..."

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