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Minji looked up at Yoongi's side profile as they sat in his car in front of Jimin's apartment. She glanced over at the building before looking at Yoongi again.

"Daddy, we can leave if you want... we don't have to do this." She said.

Yoongi nodded before he sighed and turned his car off. Minji watched as he got out before she did the same and walked over to him, holding his hand as they walked up to Jimin's apartment door.

Yoongi sighed out one last time before he knocked. It took a couple seconds for Jimin to answer. "Hyung- Minji... come in..." He said as he moved to the side.

Yoongi thanked him as he stepped inside and looked around. He walked over and looked at a couple of the pictures Jimin had up. Most of them were of Minji and Jimin, but a couple of them were of Jimin and Yoongi from when they were together in high school.

Yoongi smiled fondly as he picked up one of the pictures. "You still have this?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin walked over and looked over Yoongi's shoulder. He smiled as he gently took the frame from the elder. "Of course! This was the day I finally asked you out. Hobi-hyung took it and I asked you right after." Jimin said.

Yoongi smiled before he started to laugh. "Remember when we told Hoseok?I'm pretty sure he was more excited than me even though I was the one who had had a crush on you since middle school."

Jimin raised his eyebrows. "Seriously? That long?"

Yoongi furrowed his own. "Yes? I thought you knew that! I had the biggest crush on you for so long, then you asked me out! I might of kept it cool when you did, but when I got home? Lord... Hoseok was getting annoyed by my happiness!"

Jimin laughed. "I never knew that..." Jimin said.

Yoongi smiled as he set the picture down. "Yeah... well... that was a long time ago." Yoongi said as he sighed out.

Jimin looked down as he took a step back from the elder. "We should sit..."

Yoongi nodded before he walked over to the ouch and sat down, Minji sitting next to him and wrapping her arms around one of his as Jimin sat in the chair next to them.

Jimin gulped. "I just wanted to first thank you both for agreeing to hear me out... I have been so horrible to the both of you... Minji, I love you... I really do love you, I know I don't show it... but I do." Jimin said softly.

Minji held onto Yoongi tighter as kept her eyes forward.

Jimin leaned forward a bit. "Minji... I hope one day you can forgive me and we can try again. And I just want you to know that I do actually love hearing you talk. I shouldn't of yelled at you like I had... taken my frustration out on you... it was very wrong of me and a absolutely regret it and I am so sorry." Jimin said softly.

Minji looked up at Yoongi before she looked at Jimin. "I forgive you... I forgive you for the way you treated me, but not the way you treat Daddy..." she said.

Jimin looked down at his hands as he felt himself tear up. Yoongi held Minji close. "Jimin, I forgave you a long time ago for how you treated me, how you left me... I don't hold it against you... I just don't understand why you started a relationship with my husband."

Jimin wiped a couple of tears away before he looked up at Yoongi before looking at Minji. Yoongi understood before he stroked Minji's long black hair. "Baby, you should go see if there's anything in your room you want to take home..." Yoongi said softly.

Minji looked at him before looking at Jimin. "Are you going to be nice to Daddy?" She asked.

Jimin immediately nodded. "Yes baby. I don't want to hurt him." Jimin said.

Minji hesitated before she nodded and got up, walking off to her room.

Yoongi sighed softly before his eyes met Jimin's wet ones. "Tell me..." Yoongi whispered. "What happened, Jimin?"

*Five years ago; around Christmas time*

Jimin stared at the black front door he use to be so familiar with. He sighed softly before he rises his hand and knocked on the door. He looked around as he waited.

"Hello? How can I... Jimin?" A woman's voice said.

Jimin turned and was face with Yoongi's mother. Jimin looked down in shame. "Hello Mrs. Min... is Yoongi-ssi here?" He asked.

"Oh... no, I'm sorry. He moved out a while ago." She said.

Jimin rubbed the back of his head. "Uh... do you happen to have an address for him? I just... I need to talk to him." Jimin whispered.

Yoongi's mother hesitated before she nodded and went to grab a note pad and a pen. She quickly wrote down Yoongi's address and tore it off the pad, folding it before she handed it to Jimin. "He should be home... or well, they could of went out to see the lights. Minji-"

"Minji... that's... the baby- he kept it?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi's mother rubbed her arm as she shivered. "Yes... she's not so much a baby anymore, she constantly reminds us." Mrs. Min said with a light laugh.

Jimin zoned out as he let the information sink in before Mrs. Min's voice broke his trance.

"She looks just like you... they both of you, but now... after seeing you after all these years... she really looks like you Jimin." She said softly.

Jimin opened his mouth as he inhaled to speak before he stopped and closed his mouth.

Yoongi's mother looked him over for a second before she disappeared into her house again, leaving the door open. She returned a few minutes later with three small pictures in her hand.

Jimin looked down at them before she handed him the first one. It was Yoongi and Minji right after he had given birth to her. Jimin felt a tear escape as she handed him a second picture.

Jimin laughed a bit as he looked at it. Minji was about three, smiling big as Yoongi glared at her playfully with his face covered in messy makeup she had applied.

"She loves makeup, swears she's going to be a makeup artist one day. She should go into modeling with that smile of her's." Yoongi's mother said as she handed him the last picture.

It was Minji's first school photo. Her gummy smile stretched far across her face with a missing front tooth. Her cute little nose flatting out as Jimin's does when he smiled and her eyes disappearing like his.

Jimin stood there, crying at he looked at the picture. He sniffled as he looked up at Mrs. Min. "Thank you... thank you so much for showing me these... I'm so sorry!" Jimin croaked out as he tried to hand them back.

She shook her head and pushed them back his way. "You keep them... I have plenty." She whispered. Jimin nodded before he bowed and thanked her again. She stood in the doorway until he got back into his car.

Jimin shut the door and looked through the pictures again before he started to cry again, so much regret and guilt overcoming him all at once.

He placed the pictures in the seat next to him before he opened the folded up paper and stared at the address. Part of him didn't want to go in fear of upsetting Yoongi... but he had already come this far and he had too many regrets already.

Jimin glanced at the time before he sighed out. It was already pretty late, it was almost eleven, so he figured it would be best to visit them the next day.

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