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Jungkook walked back in with his arms full of water bottles. He put them in the sink before opening one and helping Yoongi to drink it.

Taehyung was checking Yoongi again. "Still 8." He said before pulling his gloves off. He walked over to the cabinet above the sink and started to get things out for the baby.

Jungkook was caressing Yoongi's head when they all heard sirens. Jungkook looked over at Taehyung before pointing his gun at him. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" He shouted.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook walked out of the room and went to check the front.

"We have you surrounded, come out with your hands up!" Jungkook heard one of the officers say through a megaphone.

"Fuck!" He shouted as he made his way back to Taehyung and Yoongi, he began to panic and pace. "WHY DID YOU CALL THEM?!" He asked Taehyung.


"I'm not leaving without him!" Jungkook said as he pointed the gun at Yoongi. "I'll kill us both right now!"

"Jungkook, calm down-" Taehyung said.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jungkook said before they heard a gush of water hit the floor.

"Fuck." Taehyung said as he sat down in his stool and checked Yoongi.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Jungkook shouted before he pointed his gun at Taehyung.

Taehyung moved back. Yoongi sobbed as he watched Jungkook. "NO! Don't please! Jungkook just let him go!" Yoongi said before he had a contraction.

Jungkook shook as he looked between Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Please?! Jungkook please..."

"LET ME THROUGH! MY FRIENDS ARE IN THERE!" Hoseok shouted at one of cops. He and Namjoon had been at home, watching the news and trying to get ahold of Taehyung when they heard about the police being sent to Taehyung's office. They left as quickly as they could.

Now Hoseok was shouting and trying to get through, Jimin and Seokjin beside them since they had called them on the way over.

"We got a body!" One of the officers shouted.

"A body?! What-"

Taehyung walked outside with his hands up in the air.

"He has a gun. My boyfriend is in there but he's about to give birth!" Taehyung said, knowing how ridiculous he sounded so he quickly explained Yoongi's situation before they sent Taehyung over to the ambulance. But Taehyung walked back over to them. "You have to let me at least try to call them! Jungkook doesn't know how to deliver a baby!" Taehyung shouted.

"Alright." The officer in charge said as he handed his phone over.

Jungkook was crying and freaking out as Yoongi screamed out. He heard a phone ringing in the distance. He looked at Yoongi before he walked out and answered the phone.


"Jungkook, it's Taehyung. How is he doing? How close are his contractions?" He asked.

"One right after the other, I think he's ready." Jungkook said.

"Fuck. Jungkook I need to be in there, could I come back in? Just me, I promise." He said.

"O-okay, just hurry, he looks pale and he's so sweaty."

Taehyung hung up and looked at the officer who sighed. "Alright but put a vest on." He said.

Taehyung pulled his jacket and shirt off before pulling the vest on and quickly putting his shirt and jacket back on.

He then walked back into the build and into the room Yoongi and Jungkook were in.

He looked over at Yoongi before sitting on the stool and checking, he could already see the baby's head. "It's okay baby, just breathe through it, and do not push until I say so!"

Yoongi shook as he resisted the urge to push. "Jungkook, give me that blanket!" He shouted.

Jungkook hands it to him and watches as Taehyung focuses on Yoongi. "Okay baby, push." He said.

Yoongi pushes for what feels like hours before the baby comes out. Yoongi is crying hysterically as Taehyung stands up and gently rubs his knuckles against the baby's chest. "Fuck, come on..." he mumbled to himself.

Yoongi calmed down after a minute, his baby still not crying. "Taehyung! What's wrong with my baby?!" Yoongi asked in a panic.

Jungkook watches as Taehyung brings the baby to the counter top and performs CPR.

"Fuck. J-Jungkook! Come here!" Taehyung yells.

Jungkook quickly walked over and looked at the baby. "Hey! Watch what I'm doing!" He said. Jungkook watched and listened as Taehyung walked him through CPR before he took over. Taehyung watched him a couple times before he went back over to Yoongi and delivered the placenta.

"He's still not crying!" Jungkook shouted through tears.

Taehyung pulled his gloves off as he walked back over to Jungkook, pushing him away.

"Come on come on!" He mumbled as he took over. It was a couple more minutes before a cry broke through.

"Oh my god!" Yoongi shouted through tears of relief.

Taehyung bundled up the baby and brought it to Yoongi. He stayed by his side while Jungkook took a minute to collect himself from the scary moment.

Yoongi smiled at the baby despite the situation they were in.

"Baby... I'm so sorry." Jungkook said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck and hugged him.

Yoongi gently patted his arm before he looked down at the baby, smiling and crying as the baby opened and closed its mouth.

Taehyung smiled as he watched him before he heard a sound like water trickling. Taehyung glanced at Yoongi before walking down to see him bleeding out.

"Baby?" He heard Jungkook say. "BABY?!" He said as Yoongi passed out. He quickly grabbed the baby as it started to wail and looked at Taehyung as he started to work on Yoongi.

"What's wrong with him?!"

"He's hemorrhaging! Fuck! Jungkook, I can't do this! He needs to go to the hospital before it's too late!" Taehyung shouted.

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