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Yoongi smiled and sighed softly as he and Hoseok brought the last couple of bags into Minji's room. Hoseok gently patted Yoongi's shoulder before he walked away.

Yoongi looked around the room before he looked at her. "Yeah so I understand this is a nine/ten year old's room and not an almost twelve year old's room... so we'll go shopping tomorrow and give it a make over. I'll take the day off." Yoongi said before his eyes landed on Minji as she picked up a picture off her desk of her and Yoongi at the elder's high school graduation, she was about Yunsuk's age.

Yoongi smiled softly and walked over her and gently took the picture. "You were the only thing that kept me going you know? I wanted to drop out and just work and take care of you... but you deserved better... I wanted to give you the life I never had, the one that you have now." Yoongi said as he looked around her room filled with toys.

Yoongi looked back down at her and smiled. "You gave me purpose, Minji... you're the only reason why I'm here today, doing what I love as an educated man. You're the reason why your siblings are here..." Yoongi said softly.

Minji looked up at her father. "Why do you say that like... like you wouldn't be here... here- alive..."

Yoongi gave her a small smile and kissed the top of her head. "We'll talk later... there's a lot we need to discuss... but first, you need to settle in a bit and we need to go grocery shopping... I have like nothing here but food for your brother and sister... I mean we could have formula-"

"Ew! No!" Minji said with a light laugh.

Yoongi smiled at her fondly before he walked over to the door. "Okay... yell if you need anything... and um come get me when you're ready to go to the store..." Yoongi said before he awkwardly made his way to the door.

Minji glanced at the photo again before she looked up. "Daddy?" She asked. 

Yoongi stopped and turned back to her with his hand on the door handle. "Yes, Butterfly?"

Minji's heart swelled at the nickname, she hadn't heard Yoongi call her that in a long time. She smiled as she blinked away tears.

"Just... thank you." She said softly.

Yoongi smiled  and nodded before he started to leave again, but Minji called out for him once more.

"Daddy!" She said as she walked over to him. Yoongi looked down at her and smiled. "Yes, Butterfly?" He said softly.

Minji looked up at him through her tears before she threw her arms around his neck and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly. Yoongi closed his eyes and hugged her back.

"I love you." She whispered.

Yoongi laughed a bit through his own tears. He sniffled before he kissed the side of her head. "I love you too, Butterfly, very very much." Yoongi whispered softly, giving her one last kiss before setting her down.

Minji smiled up at him and gently wiped his tears away as he wiped her's. Minji giggled a bit before she walked back into her room, holding the picture of them close to her heart as she looked around her room.

Yoongi smiled as he watched her before he quietly shut the door and walked back out to Hoseok who was sitting on the couch wiping at his own tears. Yoongi laughed through his tears again and sat next to the younger as he held him close.

"She's really here?" Namjoon asked as he stepped into Yoongi's house. He had just gotten home from work and was coming to retrieve his boyfriend.

Yoongi smiled and nodded before he walked the younger to Minji's room and knocked on the door.

Minji opened it and looked at Yoongi before she looked at Namjoon and started to cry before she ran to his arms and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much, Uncle Joonie..." she whispered. Namjoon hugged her and wiped his own tears away. "Thought it'd be longer till I saw you again." Namjoon said as he slowly let go of her.

Yoongi smiled and sighed softly. "I know it use to be annoying at times, but I'm really looking forward to you two brainiacs nerding out together." Yoongi said.

Namjoon laughed a bit before he gasped. "Ah! I have things for you! From your past birthdays! I'll be back!" Namjoon said before he quickly left.

Yoongi smiled and wrapped his arm around Minjin's shoulders as they walked out to the living room with Hoseok who was smiling. "I am so happy! Now I won't have to pretend to know what he's talking about when he talks about all that math and science-y stuff!"

Yoongi chuckled and sat next to the younger. Minji hesitated before she sat herself down on Yoongi's lap while they waited for Namjoon.

A couple minutes later the youngest of the three men ran back inside with three wrapped gifts. Namjoon smiled as he handed them to Minji who tore into them immediately.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other as she squealed at the book that were given to her. One was Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kanheman and the other two were; A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson and Limitless by Jim Kwik.

Minji hopped off of Yoongi's lap to hug Namjoon tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you! When I'd tell Jimin books I wanted, he'd give me middle school books... they were boring."

Yoongi pulled her back onto his lap and sighed. "I told him you were a miniature genius... he probably thought I was joking..."

"Ugh! Can we please not talk about them?! We should be celebrating our little Minji coming back home!" Hoseok said.

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah! We should! I'm pretty sure I have some party decorations. Minji and I could go to the store and get some food to make and-"

"Joonie and I can get a cake! But... will you be inviting a certain sexy doctor?"

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I invite him?"

Minji looked between them. "Sexy doctor?" She asked. "Is he actually?" She asked.

Hoseok nodded.


"Better looking than Jungkook?" She asked.

Hoseok nodded his head vigorously. "Probably only because I literally hate his guts... they're actually probably on the same level, but Taehyung isn't an asshole."

"That we know of." Namjoon mumbled.

Hoseok sighed. "There were signs with Jungkook. But hyung had his kids to think about. He didn't want another Jimin, so of course he accepted Jungkook!"

"Another Jimin?" Minji asked.

Yoongi looked at her. "Later. I promise you I'll tell you everything this time... but not now, Butterfly. I want us all to be happy right now! You're back home!" Yoongi said with a smiled as he hugged her close.

Minji giggled and nodded. "Okay, I trust you Daddy... can we have a pajama party though?!" She asked.

Yoongi laughed and nodded. "Of course!"


"DANCE PARTY!" Hoseok exclaimed before he and Minji freaked out together.

Namjoon smiled and stood up. "I have the best pajamas for this!" He said before he leaned over and grabbed Hoseok's hand. "We'll see you two back here in like a hour? That'll give Hobi and I time to decorate and get the cake!"

Yoongi nodded and smiled as Namjoon pulled Hoseok out of the house. He then looked at Minji and smiled. "Ready?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Let's get into our jammies first!" She said excitedly.

Yoongi smiled and nodded. He got up and watched as Minji run away before she ran back in and looked at him. "Daddy? Could you also braid my hair? I haven't had it braided in a long time... I tried but it wasn't the same..."

Yoongi smiled more and nodded again. "Yeah! Anything you want!" Minji smiled at him before she gave him a brief hug. "Daddy, hurry and get ready!" She said before she ran into her room and shut the door.

Yoongi chuckled to himself before he walked into his room with a full heart.

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