~Chapter 53~

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"I don't think this is possible." I observed from afar the segment of rocks, uncovered. Actually, the other side of the cave led us to the right side of the rocks, but a bit deeper into the ocean, only that there was safe sand space to walk. The tide was very low, but just a minute ago, before going in, it was completely opposite of that.

"This must be the pearls, there isn't any other explanation." Hyunjin agreed with me.

I started to walk to the rocks, almost instinctively. Although I was confused of what was going on, I felt the urge to go, and Hyunjin followed.

Suddenly, my eyes catch something that shocks both of us, Hyunjin immediately grabs my arm and stops me from going further.

"Wait wait wait." He said.

"Hyunjin...are you seeing this?"

"Aeri.. I have no idea of what did we get into."

It was me. I saw myself walking through the rocks. I recognized my clothes, and that's when it hit me. Somehow, it was that day. The day I found the shell, the day all went wrong.

"Are we... in the damn past? What the hell is going on?" I frowned. Hyunjin remained silent, he couldn't say a word.

I couldn't let this repeat, I just couldn't. I started walking even faster. In my mind, all I wanted to do was stop me from going there, from taking that shell, from yelling at Hyunjin; but I again felt his grip on my arm, dragging me to hide behind a bigger rock.

"What are you doing?" He asked worried.

"I'm stopping me from taking the shell!"


"What do you mean "why"? Dont you see? This is our chance to change it."

"Aeri, you're acting without thinking."

"I'm not! Let me go!"

"Aeri! Listen to me." He yelled. I just looked at him, waiting for his argument. I couldn't believe he was stopping me from fixing our problem.

"You can't avoid it. If you stop this, our timeline will just mess up. We wouldn't be right here, right now, if it wasn't for that shell. So if you go up there and stop you, we don't know if we'd disappear from here or what."

"Hyunjin that's crazy, we'll just back to the cave and when we get out, the shell will be gone."

"Aeri, I'm certain that's not how it works. Haven't you seen movies about time travel? You can't mess up with past events."

"Are you seriously relying on movies right now?"

"I know it doesn't seem brilliant, but I'm sure that's how it works. Imagine if you go back to when your parents met but you stop them from doing it, you wouldn't be here, so your existence would be immediately whipped out."

"Well-" As I was talking, Hyunjin deviated his eyes from mine to where the other me was, making me look too. I was about to sit down, but I still had time to go. I saw Hyunjin, the other Hyunjin, walking towards the rocks from afar.

"Listen, we're here for some reason, we can't mess up!"

"How the hell are you going to appear in front of yourself and tell you not to grab that shell? Just think about it, Aeri!"

"I don't know but I have to!" I stood up to run, but he grabbed me harder.

"Hyunjin, let me go!"

"Don't be reckless! Come on, let's discuss this inside the cave."

"No!" I tried letting go, and this time he got angry at me.

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