~Chapter 65~

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"You are the one who stole the pearls back in 1920"

"Correct" Sang Hoon confirmed. There was a heavy silent, full of confusion and hesitation. I didn't know myself how did he do it, though.

"Wow wow wow, hang on" Hyunjin raised his palms, wanting to calm everyone down, except that he was the only surprised one. "What do you mean he stole them? And what do you mean you did?" He pointed at me and then him.

Sang Hoon sighed. "I'm sorry kids. I should've told you the first time you came here. I just didn't think you'd face so much more than what it seemed."

"Don't worry. Actually, you helped through that action, but before I explain, you better explain first." I raised a brow at him.

"It was a while after Yulhee passed. Well, some time after that, I started to dream of her, of Yulhee. At first, I convinced myself it was part of my mourn, however, seeing her several times a week through dreams was now a hell for me, because I missed every time more."

"You experienced weird realistic dreams too." Hyunjin told him.

"It definitely has something to do with all of us" he agreed.
"Anyway, by that time, I visited Incheon a lot for business. One of those weeks, there was this huge crafting fair going around. I enjoyed a lot walking through tents looking at interesting artifacts, and I even found myself buying some things.

The last day of the fair, I was set to meet with a business partner at evening. He ran late, and I waited for him for more than 40 minutes, so I took a last walk, just in case I was missing any collectible." He took a zip of his tea, and kept going.

"On my way back to the waiting spot, there was this tent that I swear I never saw before. Asking locals, They told me it had always been there, but I just never saw that one. I got closer, and there was this lady already picking up her stuff. She was selling sea shells, all types and colors, along with beautiful drawings."

My eyes sparked immediately, making me almost fly out of my chair, and I turned to Hyunjin. It seems like he was thinking the same as me.

"What year was this?"

"Hm, 1957 maybe?"

"But she passed away before that." Hyunjin turned to me.

"Remember they didnt have quite enough info about her, they don't even have her cause of death. Maybe she didn't pass away in 1954, maybe it was later." I discussed with Hyunjin.

"Who?" Sang Hoon questioned.

"I'll tell you in a minute. What else happened?" I got my chair closer to the table.

"Well I was admiring the shells, I even bought one, that one specifically." He pointed at a medium sized shell he had on top of an old stand. "She told me its name, but it's impossible for me to remember now." He said chuckling.

"That's an Angulate Wentletrap" . I always loved shells, and I studied every single one of them during free time.

"You know pretty well!" Sang Hoon praised me. As I had a drink of my tea, I looked at Hyunjin for a second. "So sexy" he mouthed, I rolled my eyes.

"Well, the thing is, the lady taught me about shell types, but my eyes landed on a drawing she made, however, what got me shocked, was that it was a drawing of the pearls.

I couldn't help but to ask her, they were exactly the same. I remember she smiled at me and said "legend says you can connect with your loved one through them." Now, I know you're thinking what I thought."

"You knew those were those pearls."


"But wait, I thought Yulhee was the one who got them? How did she get them if you hadn't stolen them yet?" Hyunjin frowned. And yes, he was right, I didn't think of it.

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