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- Free Time -

Charlotte knew that her luck was bad. She even stuck in the Team B because of her rotten luck (although it was actually because of the rankers). But she never thought that she would be unlucky again in this morning as she was not talking to Altaira, but Khun instead.

She even called him "ruthless", will he skin her alive for it? Aside from it, she felt that she had said nothing wrong.

But still, even if he was planning about how to skin her alive, it was not her fault, but his. He clearly knew that she was talking to her brother but he remained silent and heard everything. He didn't even show any remorse!

"Ah, are you done talking?" He asked with a friendly smile.

If this was someone else then Charlotte would have probably fight with him. But considering that she was still too weak, the result of the fight will be very clear as she would be the one who gets beaten up instead.

"Why did you lie to me?" Charlotte asked.

"I never said I am your brother" Khun defended himself.

Next time, Charlotte would see who she was talking with so that she won't mistook someone else as another person. She had to prevent this from happening again.

"But you just need to say that you aren't Brother Altaira" Charlotte said again. Will it hurt to tell her that she was talking with the wrong person?

"You look very serious when you are talking" Khun said. "I don't want to bother you."

There was an irk mark on her head. Now, Charlotte felt both awkward and irritated. She really believed that Brother Altaira was the one who listen to all her words but what is this? At this kind of moment, maybe it would be better if Charlotte looked for something that she could use to hit her own head and forget this.

"Ah right, the poem that you recited before, what is it called?"

She wanted to hit her own forehead.

Since Charlotte was supposed to grow in the dark snd secluded place, she was supposed to not have any chance to learn about poems. He must have suspected her for it. Congratulations, she had just made herself looked suspicious.

"The poem....is called On the Stork Tower" she said while rubbing the back of her head and looked away.

She wanted to cry but she can't cry. She wanted to laugh but she can't laugh. She wanted to run away but it would only make her look suspicious.

"On the Stork Tower?"

Charlotte won't be surprised if Khun had no idea about what it is. After all, the poem that she was reciting was from her former world, from where she came from.

Charlotte coughed and then said, "Ah, it occured to me that I have something to do. Celeste must be looking for me now. Then I should go first and not bother you, have a nice day."

She really didn't expect to fool Khun with this kind of excuse but it was better than not trying right? After she said those words, she immediately walked away, restraining herself from running away and made her look obvious.

Khun had always thought that Charlotte was afraid of him for she had always run away from him. Unlike how she talked with Bam and Altaira and laughed around whenever she was with them, she always felt nervous and awkward around him. Was he that scary?

But the poem that she recited was a little interesting for him. He didn't expect that a girl who lived in a secluded place could learn well about poems and recite it as if she had learnt it for a long time. He had never heard about the poems before and never cared about those since he was rather focused in his own business, but hearing her reciting that poem made him wonder who taught her those? After all, it can't be Bam, Rachel or Altaira right?

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