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- Three Routes; Three Trials : Part 4 -

It was several centuries ago when the data of Khun Edahn met with Hansung Yu. He chased for the Lord of Spears while shouting for his name again and again. He needed to meet the blue- haired man to tell him about something, although it was hard to convince the man to listen to his words.

So, he had no other choice but to use a little dirty trick.

"If you just listen to me, I'll give you this grape jelly drink that I got specially from the last stage!" He showed his grape drink to the data of Khun Family's head.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Khun Marco Ascensio's data watched how his father was rejecting the orange- haired man away before he ended up listening to what he was going to say. It was all for the grape drink that Hansung Yu offered to his father.

"So... someday, son of V is going to come here, defeat Zahard's data, and liberate this Hidden Floor from them so you want me to help you?"

Khun Edahn drew a conclusion after the long explanation he heard from Hansung.

"Yes! That's right!"

Khun Edahn sighed in annoyance, "I was wondering what you're going to say but that's just ridiculous. Don't make up nonsense like that.."

"I didn't make it up!" Hansung Yu firmly spoke. "The Zahard on the outside has turned his back on loyalty and justice and is ruling the world as the King of Tower. God will send a disciple to punish Zahard for that and he will cause a stir in the tower. I didn't make this up. It's a 'fate' tied by Arlene."

"...... fate?" He echoed. "Nonsense."


It was several centuries before that he heard such a story.

Although he was Khun Edahn's data, he didn't know everything about the original him at the outside. He could only guess that he might be someone who didn't believe in fate. But being his data, he chose to believe that story and fate.

And now, he was seeing the result.

The boy who he had trained for one month had improved his strength in that battle of life- and- death, and his strength has improved to the point that it could threaten Zahard to pull out the Lecalicus.

Lecalicus was the needle that Zahard received for passing the test of the head pupil in the workshop. It was known as the "Needle of War", because Zahard only used it against people who he acknowledged.

'It has three stages of colors and shapes depending on its strength but at this moment, it's still white,' Khun Edahn analyzed the battle. 'It means Zahard considers him as a serious opponent.'

Zahard pulled out the weapon and swung it towards Bam.

[ Zahard's Style The Needle of War : Lecalicus ]

A giant beast like eel appeared right before Bam.

'Lecalicus isn't that easy to defend against. I wonder how that kid is going to face it...' Khun Edahn was worried. 'And is that girl fine on her own?'

He couldn't split his body into several clones and his children were all murdered by Zahard during their mission to find a mirror. Otherwise, he could ask one of his children to supervise the young girl. He was more worried about her now, because he didn't know her current situation at all.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

In the third space, the four of them were still floating. Khun asked Big Breeder further about their plan and Big Breeder simply answered that their task was to lure the scale so that he could open the gate and cause a bug.

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