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Ever since Charlotte had come to this tower, she only had one teacher. She only had one teacher who she cherished and loved dearly whose name was Ha Jinsung.

Ha Jinsung was the one who fought for their freedom. He was the one who taught them on how to defend themselves, to make their lives better and gave them a chance to taste the freedom that the FUG wanted to snatch away from them. He loved for his disciples deeply that when he had a chance, he went to look for them.

"Geez, my cute pupil seems to be sleeping whenever I come to see him" Ha Jinsung said before the regulars who were standing and being worried of Bam.

The regulars were surprised to see him there. Charlotte who sat on the bed slowly turned her head around and faced him. She wasn't surprised as she had expected him to come.

"Somehow I think there are some new faces amongst you guys" he added again.

Charlotte stood up, "Teacher, you are here."

"Teacher?" Khun glanced at her when he heard of it.

"What happened here, huh?" Ha Jinsung asked again.

Charlotte, "Then that would be a long story."

Ha Jinsung looked at his female disciple before he said, "You don't seem to be surprised that I am here."

"Because I could feel your charismatic aura from distance, teacher" Charlotte replied with her smile.

"....What a glib tongue you had."

While the two of them were having an ordinary conversation, the regulars had different reactions. Some of them were confused while some were surprised. Altaira was perhaps the only one who wasn't surprised aside from Charlotte as he had expected about this as well.

"Mr. Ha Jinsung?!" Prince looked at the man surprised. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I just dropped by while I come to see someone" he answered as he walked to them. "So what happened here? Is it really a long story?"

The name "Ha Jinsung" did not only surprised Khun. For someone well-known as him, Khun knew who he was. He knew who he was that he was afraid and he was also surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Ha....Ha Jinsung.....?" His blue eyes looked at the middle-aged man. "What brings s....someone in such a high position like you......here?"

"I came to see my pupils" he answered. "You must be that son of Khun....? You resembled your father so much. Viole and Nox told me that you are their friends."


"Don't get nervous, kid" Ha Jinsung said. "I have changed a lot. I no longer kill the ten families....whenever I meet them."

He glanced at Altaira who was standing next to Celeste like the usual. Turned out, there were more than one descendant of the ten families climbing the tower with both of his disciples and unlike Khun, somehow this boy smiled at him friendly as if Ha Jinsung had never killed his relatives before.

Charlotte knew that it must be uncomfortable for Khun to talk with a person like Ha Jinsung so she changed the topic and immediately explained everything to Ha Jinsung. 

And after hearing her words, Ha Jinsung looked at the unconscious Bam, "So he ended up collapsing like this.......this is what I have been worrying about. Well....this kind of effect can happen to someone with the thorn.

Hansung that bastard pushed him too hard. And this is what happened because of that. But this is another adversity which he must overcome by himself. What a cruel fate."

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