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- Infiltrate -

The moment when both Grand De Jah and Grand De Sah witnessed Enryu with their own eyes, their eyes possessed mysterious abilities. Grand De Jah's eyes were able to see the future.

"Once, when Joe invaded the North City, thanks to the power of Grand De Jah's eyes and the help of the mysterious woman, he was unable to advance further and was forced to retreat back to the South City. If we have the power of Grand De Jah's eyes which brought you here....I'm sure that they will help in defeating Hell Joe" said Grand De Lee.

The person who they should bring must be Hockney.

Speaking about Hockney, he seemed to learn another thing about himself. That his eyes weren't his eyes, but Grand De Jah's eyes and Mata had came to this castle to beg Grand De Jah to help Hockney.

At the time, because Hockney was an immortal already, Grand De Jah couldn't heal his eyes. But instead, he gave his eyes to him. The one who gouged Hockney's eyes out was Hell Joe who was enraged when Hockney refused to help him.

After knowing a bit of his own past, Hockney went to look for Mata who was said to beg for Grand De Jah to save Hockney. There, he learnt more about his past....that he used to work for Hell Joe who sold out his Red Light. Hell Joe promised him that he'll let Hockney leave the Floor of Death if he could bring him the thorn and he met with Mata. The two of them then worked together, becoming a team.

From Hockney, Mata heard his wish to leave the Floor of Death, to climb the tower and do lots of things that he could do once he leave the Floor of Death. When they were looking around for the thorn, they were lucky to find one. But after Hockney saw the thorn fragment, Mata said that he began to act weird and a part of his soul was inside his picture. The past Hockney later on met Hell Joe and said that he couldn't help him anymore which angered Hell Joe and made him stole Hockney's eyes and sold his painting outside.

When Grand De Jah saw Hockney, he was shocked, knowing that Hockney could leave the Floor of Death. After Hockney agreed to help Grand De Jah something which Mata didn't know since he doesn't hear it, Grand De Jah gave Hockney his eyes and strangely, Hockney couldn't seem to recall the past anymore.

But Mata didn't bother telling him the truth.

He tried his best to get Hockney out from the Floor of Death which was dangerous and hid many things from Hockney. Mata believed by not knowing anything, things might be better for Hockney who then left the tower and climbed the tower. 

After knowing Hockney's secret from Grand De Lee, neither Bam and Charlotte could bring themselves to take Hockney with them. He had been through a lot in this Floor of Death and he had some serious problems with Hell Joe.

Charlotte wondered whether she was being sincere to Hockney or that she was just being a hypocrite. After all, she knew that Hockney will definitely come with them after knowing about his past and Hell Joe. She was worried of him....but if he doesn't come, then the story line....

She looked at her right palm before she closed it.

She has been shackled by the said story line for a long time. 

She was unsure whether she was being sincere and genuine or a goody two- faces.

"Hockney shouldn't get involved in something dangerous" said Bam.

If Hell Joe caught Hockney, who knows what that freak will do to him.

But Rachel disagreed.

"What are you talking about?! Bam! We need every bit of luck that we can get!" said Rachel. "I put the picture that he's looking in my lighthouse! He'll definitely become handy if he comes with us!"

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