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- Hints of the Truth  -

"Every single night I got under my blanket, praying to Gods for my wishes to be granted."

Her silver hair that he once praised for its beauty was stained by her own blood, as well as the dress he gifted to her.

A fatal wound was made when his sword, the gift that she made for him, stabbed her chest. Blood dripped on the ground, little by little, just like her tears. A drop of it fall and landed on her silver ring. Two letters were engraved on it, LC.

"I've long realized that not all my wishes will be granted by Gods above. But when we were together in the midst of flowers, I felt that all the disappointments that I felt were simply hardships that I must overcome to stand before you."

'To accept your love.'

 He didn't say a word for a moment. But she could see it clearly. There was a flicker of sympathy in those purple eyes.

Love. It is definitely something very precious. But as precious as it is, it is something that every single being deserves, every single being who was born in the world. It is our right. But in the tower, every single thing comes with a price, no matter how trivial it is.

And every single thing comes with an ending, no matter how wonderful it is.

Every single thing that exists in the word, at one glance, it could appear as a blessing. But as the time passes, without realizing it, it will slowly turn into a curse. The love that is supposed to be pure and deserved by every single being could poison someone deeply, blinding their senses and mind just to pursue it.

"It's fine if they choose to ignore me. I'm okay with the hardships before me, as long as I know you're by my side. But fate toys us in this way. You are not him."

He was not surprised, as if he had expected it.

"And you won't ever be able to replace him," she said pulling the sword closer. It was painful, but she knew that there was someone else who suffered more than her.

The man frowned and pulled his sword backward, causing her to fall. He didn't bother to catch her, just taking two steps backward to dodge her as her body fell to the ground.

Even so, he still felt pity towards her.

".......... tell me, if there is anything else you would like to do?" He asked after considering it. "As long as your request makes sense, I'll definitely do it for you."

She raised her head and weakly looked at the face of a man who she loved dearly. She raised one of her eyebrows and with a forced smile, asked him in confirmation, "Will you truly grant.... my wish?"

"As long as it doesn't stop me from my goal and reasonable," he promised her.

She knew from his eyes. It was his pity that allowed her to ask him a wish. Just a single wish with the conditions that it should be reasonable and shouldn't stop him from pursuing his goal. Honestly, she felt that it was quite unfair to call it as a "wish". It should have been an "apology" instead, because he had wronged her deeply.

But her time was limited. And at that moment, no matter what word that he chose to express his intention, it was no longer important. She would make use of that pity for the sake of the innocent.

"I wish for my children to be spared," she earnestly answered. "They are just a bunch of children who haven't realized how tough the tower is........ they're just a pair of children...... who now lost their parents on this blissful day."

She and him, the two of them were always prepared to die. But both their children were still young and naive, like morning suns, like seeds that were still sprouting. They still had long way ahead of them and as much as she wanted to accompany them, she had to let them go.

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