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- Slayer Nominees Selection -


Inside the Hell Train.

Conductor's Office.


Hwaryun who found the regulars joined with them.

In the Train City, because of Emily creating the new paths that she wasn't able to see, she was defeated by Angel and became a hostage in Rachel's Team. If there was no Emily around, then it wouldn't be hard for her to escape. But the strange item from Workshop was blocking her ability which made her harmless.

Hwaryun followed Rachel and the others to save Hoaqin. When she saw Hoaqin at first, she was surprised at his height that resembled a child. But even though he was small like a child, his cruelness never changed that when Wangnan was about to attack him with the shinsu ball, he nearly cut his whole arm and nearly devoured his soul. If it wasn't for the fact that the two of them were the friends of the two slayer candidates, then there will be no chance for them to survive as they were taken as hostages as well.

Wangnan and Yeon were thrown inside by Khun with the White Heavenly Mirror to save Hwaryun. But now, the three of them were separated. Wangnan and Yeon must be in somewhere else inside the train while she herself met with her slayer candidates again.

But her slayer candidates were too focused with the stranger that they didn't notice her.

"Nice to see you kids" said the man who sat on his chair high above. "Welcome to the Hell Train."

If Charlotte had a flashlight right now, then she would point it to the man high above. She can't see him clearly since the light wasn't enough. But she knew that by his voice that he might be a middle-aged man. She knew that he had red eyes and a mustache.

'Ah....' She began to remember who this man was.

"You've been making quite a fuss outside. You may be the slayer nominees, but it's still too much, don't you agree?"

Since he knew that both Charlotte and Bam were slayer candidates, Khun assumed that he must be someone from FUG.

"You are.....Pedro right?" Charlotte asked and pointed her fan to the conductor. "Ranker Pedro... the follower of Slayer Karaka. It's you right?"

".......That's right" The conductor, Pedro, agreed. His unique red eyes were looking at Charlotte who guessed his identity.

Khun now remembered that Karaka was the one who tried to hurt both Charlotte and Bam in the Workshop Battle.

When Bam glanced to a direction, his golden eyes noticed his friend, "Miss....Hwaryun?"

Hearing the word Hwaryun made Charlotte turned her head around.

"Yo" she responded. 'Now you've just noticed me?'

"Hoaqin, I see....." Pedro was looking at the white haired slayer candidate. "You're smaller than I thought."

"Don't say that I'm small! I will grow soon! And how old are you?"

Charlotte knew that the child form that Hoaqin had now wasn't the real him. His real form would be taller and more attractive. But the problem was that the smaller his body was, his mental would also be more childish and impulsive.

But no matter whether he was small or tall, he wasn't someone who she could look down upon.

'At least....not now....' she thought.

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