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- Dilemma  -

Washing himself and then changing his clothes into something new, something that he would feel more comfortable.

He stared himself at the mirror, looking at his own reflection.

'You left us just like that.'

He gritted his teeth.

'You left us to unveil the mysteries of your death, to clean the mess you left behind.'


'You left us to doubt you. To hate, question, loathe, despise you.'

The mirror was shattered into several pieces.

'And now you suddenly become a hero who I must be grateful for?'

And every single piece was still reflecting his appearance.

'Do you think I would be happy to know things will turn in this way?'

Leaning against his bed, he sat on the floor next to those pieces.

All his beliefs were shattered within one night. What he had believed for all these years, that his father was his biggest sworn enemy, the source of his harm and everything, the betrayal that he had trusted for ages, they were all destroyed.

"Until their last moments, they have never failed each other. They have never betrayed you."

He raised his hands and pulled his own hair. The crimson blood from his palm stained his white snowy hair as he took a deep breath.

'Do you think I would be grateful for your sacrifice?'

A drop of tear fell to the floor.

'I hate that you leave us even more.'

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

"That man is not your father."

Celeste jumped to her bed as those words echoed in her mind.

"I know that because I see a piece of the puppet's memory. Just like how I took over the puppet's body like this... someone else helped him to take over Christ's body...... and changing him into who you know now."

She sighed as she remembered a few of Charlotte's lines and pulled the blanket over her head.

"And cause all the hardships you have to suffer."

Celeste closed her eyes.

'So you want to tell me that all this time, I've misunderstood him? All these years, I have hated the wrong person?'

As she hugged her pillow tightly, trying to swallow and understand the reality, she heard the sound of footsteps.

Knock knock--

She raised her head and sat down the moment she saw the visitor. It was Nathan.

'... I thought that someone else would come...'

"I hope that I don't disturb you."

'But I guess that someone is currently busy with his family member.... I guess I became too reliant of him now...'

Celeste looked at him for a moment. She tried to force her to smile. Even a small smile won't be a problem. 

'After everything he has done for me...'

"Of course not," she responded. "Why are you here?"

Nathan smiled gently towards Celeste, "I'm here because I'm worried of you. Are you still thinking about Charlotte's words?"

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