2 • 50 • 61

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- Boiling Acid -

Charlotte won the game and saved everyone, just like what Bam did in the manhwa.

'Three minutes left.....'

In three minutes left, her power will be sealed again and she will surely collapse.

She let out a sigh.

Things sure happened rather quickly.

Right at 12 p.m., they arrived on this floor and started this selection game. On the first round, she worked together with Khun and won the Sweet Fish. The second round, she made Noah temporarily opened some of the chains inside her and unleash her power a little. The third round, she realized that her fan was quite special and she even fought White with swordsmanship with help of the purple haired lady.

She felt thrilled, but in the same time, tired.

But she can't faint yet.

She returned back to her team and her friends who congratulated her. When she returned, she did a high-five with Altaira who praised her.

"....I thought that you are going to faint any time soon" Noah whispered towards her. He suddenly appeared on her back but that did not surprise her anyway. "You are tougher than I thought."

"Of course" Charlotte responded. "I'm not that easy to die."

"You are quite remarkable" White's last clone came and approached her. "Where do you learn that swordsmanship?"

"Ah.....about that......" Her mind was now circling around to come up with a lie. "....I was taught that swordsmanship when I was training in FUG for seven years."

She thought that no one will be able to know whether she was lying or not since they were not present at the time. Bam was also not there, for they were separated and were only allowed to meet with each other for once a month.

"Is that so?" Bam asked, confused. He had never received that kind of training before.

"I asked master since at the time I was interested in swordsmanship" Charlotte explained. "But I don't expect that it will be useful to win against White."

"Hey, you" Daniel called as he made his way to look for White's last clone. "What was that you said.....about being an accumulation of the souls of people killed by Hoaqin? Does that mean....Roen Yuia.....is within you?"


"Is she in there too....?"

There was a strong trace of hope on his voice and his eyes. He was looking at the clone with the hope that she could grant him what he desired.

"Probably" the last clone answered.


"I'm sorry, Daniel" the last clone apologized and cut his words. "I'm already a complete whole. The personalities of individual souls are essentially gone. I know very well what you want.....but there's no way for her to come back. I lied to the mc so that I could intervene in the game. Sorry."

Daniel lowered his head.

His last hope vanished just like this.

It was so quick but painful.

"I see....." he responded. "Then....could you tell her spirit within you something for me?"

The last clone wondered what he wanted to say.

"Tell her.......

'I love you too'.....that's the first thing I wanted to tell you if you ever returned. How could you leave just like that....without even hearing my reply? I.....love you too, so much...."

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon