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- Between Life and Death -

Endorsi then suddenly barged into their room and asked Bam to take her with them to go to the Floor of Death.

To their surprise, one of the Ten Bosses that Endorsi defeated was a ticketer and had a ticket. With that ticket, she could go to the Floor of Death and meet the princess who she had wanted to meet for a long time.

Khun and Bam started to sweat drop coldly over this tricky situation. The two of them had a strong feeling that if Yuri and Endorsi met with each other, the train might get destroyed. 

"Charlotte!" Endorsi turned around to look at the brown haired lass who was handing Rak a glass of water. "You don't mind if I go to the Train with you guys right?!"

It was a bad choice to ask Charlotte right now because both Bam and Khun knew that when Charlotte indulged herself in whatever she was doing, her mind would not be working properly and that she would be ignorant.

"Sure" said Charlotte nonchalantly, just like what the three others expected. "If you want to come then come. If you don't want to come then don't. You have the ticket right?"

"Yes!" Endorsi happily said with a grin. She turned her head around to Bam, "Hear that, Bam? Your sister agrees. You won't make her disappointed right?"

"W- well...."

Khun glared at Charlotte who shrugged off again. Her nonchalant behavior made his vein popped.

"I will make sure that you won't be able to eat apples for the rest of your life" he threatened.

"Do you have any other idea to prevent her from getting on the train then?" Charlotte asked Khun back. "You don't right? Then just let her get on the train."


Before he could retaliate, the four of them then felt the ground was shaking.

This shocked the four of them as they wanted to take a look outside the window to see what happened. Rak who also wanted to see couldn't move at all since Khun stepped on him.

Turned out, there was a serious fight between two high rankers, Yuri Ha Zahard the Zahard Princess and Karaka the Slayer. Evan Edrock the Silver Dwarf was also there with his gigantic bag.

Karaka had destroyed the bridge earlier to prevent the slayer candidates and his companions from entering the train but with Evan's item, Evan restored the bridge to its former state.

Endorsi' Bong Bong would be a great help if they wanted to go across the bridge so they had no other choice but to allow her to come with them. Now that the bridge was being stored, it was their perfect chance to leave the Station Name Hunt before Karaka destroyed it again.

Khun wanted to forbid those who were injured to go across the bridge but as if all of them were going to listen to him. The fight between the real rankers happened near the regulars' area and the administrator did not even do anything to stop them. Could it be because the administrator find this fight necessary? He didn't know about that, but he warned the others that crossing the bridge was their own decision and if they weren't fast or lucky enough, they'll die and no one could save them.

Though Charlotte was afraid since her luck had always been harsh on her, she had no other choice but to take this risk. She had to follow the Bam until the end, just like Ehwa who even though was injured but dared to risk her life.

She had left the Sweet and Sour team just to get to the Floor of Death. If she couldn't dare to risk her life, where should she put her face?

Shibisu's team chose to stay behind and Endorsi left the team to follow Bam to the Floor of Death. He wished them the best.

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