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- Her Fear -

Nothing else around them, no one else near them. There were just the two of them, with one restrained with chains and looking miserable while the other one was standing with her head looking down at her.

The space where she was in was not the space where she would meet the pink- haired lady. Although she hadn't been there for awhile, she still remembered, the tree where the two of them would meet, the mountains at the distance and the wind whispering softly. There would be a lake near them with pink lotus buds waiting for the right time to bloom.

It was so quiet and relaxing there.

But in that space, she was standing on a bridge made of stones. Beneath her, there was a river made of shinsu. Behind her, there was a forest. In front of her, there was a giant wall becoming the end of the bridge. The night had arrived and covered everything with its blanket of chillness and darkness. Her only source of light was the flowers blossoming on the bridges. The purple chrysanthemums that grew there naturally glowed in the middle of the night.

The one who she was looking for was right at the large wall. The large giant wall with chains became a place that restrained her. She was in the center of the giant wall, waiting for destiny to break her free.

Those purple eyes were exhausted, she could tell that. She was quiet when she was trapped because she knew that there was no way for her to escape from the wall and chains, so she gave up. She could only wait for the right time.

She was above her, but she was restrained. Her purple eyes noticed her presence. And she frowned.

"My sworn enemy and my past." "My sworn enemy and my future."

The two of them spoke in the same time.

Her sworn enemy had a mockery smirk, "It's truly a surprise. You are here to see me? But though this is a surprise, some surprises don't feel pleasant at all."

She hated her, she hated her badly that she wished to cut her to countless pieces.

How deep can one possibly be afraid and hate herself, to the point that there was no ounce of warmness shown through her words. Charlotte knew that there was no one else to blame but herself. She had been avoiding her past just because she feared her.

"Is it simply because of fear?" Her past suddenly asked her.

Charlotte blinked in surprise, "What?"

"Don't be surprised. I don't need any magic powers to be able to read your thoughts," she said with a rather courteous smile. But Charlotte knew better than anyone that it was a smile forced to bury her malice and to laugh at her.

"Your thoughts, and feelings, I don't need any secret tricks to understand them or to guess them. I guess it's because we share the same body and mind."


In another words, Charlotte was sure that her past had the high chance of being able to guess what she was thinking and was she was planning. She didn't need to have the ability to read minds for it, she just need the fact that they used to be the same person.

'Which also means that lying won't work for her.'

Well, she wasn't there to lie anyway.

'Brother Bam taught me that if I want to have someone to trust me, then I must not lie to that person.'

"I would like to ask you," her sworn enemy spoke again. "What is the reason for you to come here?"

Charlotte took a deep breath.

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