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- Kaiser's Past -


Floating Island


Since Charlotte was not comfortable with the height of the floating island with the ground, she chose not to sit on the edge.

The floating island was covered with the blanket of silence. For several moments, none of them breath a word. Khun was wrapping his arm with the bandage while Xia Xia was busy with her lighthouse. Bam was looking at the view and looked quite distracted while Charlotte, she was looking at the scenery.

'If only there was a camera.....'

If only she remembered to carry camera with her all the time, she would have taken lots of pictures. There were lots of things she wanted to take pictures of yet she kept forgetting to get the camera. At the end, she could only rely on her memories to recall the past things.

Khun was the first to start the conversation as he noticed Bam who seemed to be thinking seriously over something.

"What are you thinking so hard about, Bam?"

".....Khun.......I was just.......thinking about Endorsi. Wondering if I was being too harsh....." he answered.

"From Endorsi's perspective, she would have wanted me to give up everything to help her. Her life is on the line.....and it's more important than anything else....but I have to go and meet Rachel. I have to find out about the power that I have. I need to know where I came from and what I'm supposed to do here.

I can't help anyone.....thoughtlessly anymore....since it could end up harming somebody somewhere else. There must be a reason why this power came to me....so......if this power....is the power to make everyone happy....if I was meant to be someone like God who could make everyone happy....how wonderful it would be if I could make everyone's dream come true....? That's what I was thinking."

The wind blows softly.

"Bam...isn't it better.... being a human?"


"Well...I don't completely understand you, but it doesn't look very much fun being a God who lives just for everyone else's sake. You're a human being anyway, Bam" Khun explained his thoughts straightforwardly and crossed his arms. "So what's wrong with saving someone you want to save? That's your power, Bam. So you have to decide how to use it yourself."

"Khun isn't wrong about it" Charlotte added. "The power that you have belonged to you, not anyone else. You could think of trying to make everyone satisfied, but if you keep forsaking yourself for the sake of others, you might lose more than you thought."

He wanted to make everyone happy, but in her eyes, all mortals beings were born in order to pay their debts from the former lives. There was no way for everyone's dreams to come true, for there were times someone will feel disappointment and failure.

Charlotte didn't want her brother to abandon his desires and greed just for the others. She didn't want him to end up suffering for the sake of the others, helping a million people but failed to save himself. She didn't want that to happen.

"Brother, you are who you are. You are just Bam. It is just that simple" she added again.

Bam heard what the two of them said and understood what they meant. They told him that he was simply a human being and he was who he was. He wasn't obligated to save everyone else and forsake himself. But there were times where he hoped that he was a God who could grant everyone's wishes....so that the world might be a little bit peaceful.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin