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- Red Light -

By the time they finished their call, Charlotte kept her mirror back. It was the right time for Hockney to ask about her abilities.

"You could see the future as well?" Hockney asked her. Charlotte nodded her head and hummed.

"A bit" she replied. "Though it isn't really clear....but I could see them."


After asking that, Hockney didn't start conversation with her again. Not that Charlotte minded about that. Right now, she can't wait to go and meet Grand De Jah.

The passage to his castle was quite, surrounded by some green leaves which were bigger than them. There didn't seem to be a single creature in the passage....until they encountered with the giant lizards. Those giant lizards were said to be docile but vicious and hostile towards intruders by Mata who dealt with them.

"They are scared of light. They may not be immortal like the leeches but they swarm you if you attack them so it would be the best to drive them away" Mata explained. "Let's go!"

"Thanks! We would have been in a big trouble if you weren't with us, Mata!" said Bam.

"Haha! Don't mention it!"

"But if Mata has been here before....does that mean you came with him, Hockney?" Bam asked Hockney while running.

Hockney looked rather unsure about that.

"I'm....not sure. I have almost no memories of my past" he answered.


"I lost my memories somewhere....and came back to life when Mata found me. I've heard a bit from Mata about my past...but I don't remember exactly what caused me to lose my memories. What I know for sure is that someone named Hell Joe is hunting me down......and that for some reasons, part of my soul was absorbed by my picture, The Red Light. So I was able to leave this place."

"Your soul....in your picture?" Bam didn't expect that.

"Yeah. I don't know how my soul ended up in my picture...but because of that, my soul was able to escape from the spirit room. Having found out about that, Hell Joe thought that I was able to put people's souls in pictures. So he captured me and ordered me to draw his portrait but I refused. Angered by this, he sold the Red Light to the outside world" Hockney explained before he cursed Hell Joe. "That petty jerk....."

Well, Charlotte couldn't help that. Turned out right now he was busy looking for his picture since Hell Joe sold it out of anger and irritation.

"Why didn't you draw his portrait?" Bam curiously asked.

Hockney snorted.

"....I just...don't like drawing when someone forces me to...." he said and pouted. "It's an artist thing."


Right, no one liked to be forced.

"Just so you know, I've never seen the completed version of that picture with my own eyes. The picture was already gone after I lost my memories and woke up again" Hockney continued as he put his hand on the chest. "But part of me feels empty after losing the picture. So if I find all of the pieces of that picture and complete it-- I feel like this empty sort in my heart will be filled and my memories will be back. And maybe these monstrous eyes--"

The red part on his eyes glowed red.

"--will go back to normal."

It was something that the others couldn't fail to notice.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin