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- Catching Up -


One Month Later

Thirty Sixth Floor

Deokja, Floating Ship

Destination: Test Area


One month had passed.

After the incident in the Train City, there were rumors circulating around about FUG had taken over the Hell Train. Less regulars dared to ride on the train after they heard about the rumors.

Because of their failure on the mission, Aka and Boro left first with their own team to the Thirty Seventh Floor as they had passed long ago. Ran's Team decided to climb the tower on their own while their team was still trying to keep up with the train.

It would have been a lie if Charlotte said that she felt relaxed with the situation right now. Bam kept collapsing and pushing himself yet there was nothing she could do. Not only that his condition wasn't great, his team was also the same.

Khun has been distancing himself. He talked to them lesser and even started to refuse to have dinner with them. Charlotte assumed it was because that Bam now knew that he tried to kill Rachel that affected their relationships.

Charlotte herself was no better. With this kind of tense yet awkward atmosphere, she seriously felt alone. She looked up to the blue "sky" while thinking back about the one year in the Test Floor. And thinking about the past couldn't help but to make her smile a little.

"What are you smiling about?" Estelle asked and nudged her. The two of them were currently strolling around, enjoying their little break before participating the next test. "Hold your drink by yourself."

"I was just reminisce about the past" Charlotte answered while accepting her drink. A thought crossed her mind as she looked at Estelle and asked, "Eh, when you are in the Test Floor, how're the regulars there?"

"Them?" It took a moment for Estelle to ponder about it before she answered, "They tried to kill each other using all methods. It's not easy for us to survive back then. How's yours?"

"With my brother around, enemies had turned into friends" Charlotte answered.

"I heard from Altaira that all of you become friends in the Test Floor" Estelle said to Charlotte again. "I found it hard to believe at first but seeing how close you guys were back then in Workshop...it seems like that old fox isn't lying."

"Old fox?" Charlotte repeated in confusion.

"All the people from Khun Family are cunning like foxes. There's nothing wrong with me calling them foxes" Estelle explained.

Charlotte chuckled, "By your words, does that mean there are two foxes in our team? But foxes are more adorable than them, don't you think?"

Estelle nodded her head and lifted her thumbs up as she took a sip of her own drink.

After the two of them finished their drinks, the two of them threw it to the rubbish bin and then headed back.

"But are you alright with the condition right now?" Estelle asked.

"They will be fine in short time, don't worry of it" Charlotte answered.

Estelle observed Charlotte for a moment before she said, "You are just like Estrella sometimes."

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