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- Mysteries  -

By the time Yura regained her consciousness, she saw another guest arriving. All attentions were focused on Rachel and Bam.

"Is this why you come to the tower, Rachel?" Bam asked while seeing how pitiful the helpless young woman was. But he could not feel an ounce of sympathy for her after what she has done. "I told you not to leave... and just stay there with me. I really felt the happiest when we were together... and yet all you want to do so far is hurt and trick people after coming to this tower?"

He clenched his fists.

"Why did you try to kill Khun? He had nothing to do with you climbing the tower. I... I don't understand anymore... WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"

The shinsu started to move aggressively, destroying things around them as he shouted the same question again and again.




He shouted at the top of his lungs, releasing all the emotions he had been enduring. After that, he huffed and huffed, lowering his head.

Tears dropped on the floor.

"I... can't do this anymore."

He wanted to trust her, he wanted to give her the chance. But his trust was misused and his chance was trampled. All she ever did was to force him to hate her, to despise her, and to regard her as his enemy.

"I... really... can't... understand you anymore...."

Rachel didn't say a word. All she could do was literally kneel before the overwhelming strength.

"I don't care anymore whether or not you climb this tower. But don't ever show yourself again to the people who matter to me. If anything like this happens again, I may really have to kill you."

He threatened her and it was not a joke. This time, he was solemn and serious.

He turned around, "Bye now. I hope we never meet again."

After he said those two words, he walked back to his sister.


She really wanted to comfort him, to give him a hug, to remind him that it was not his fault that he was betrayed.

"You really are glowing."

He stopped walking when he heard Rachel's words.

"You've always told me I was a shining star to you... but I knew. You're the one who's destined to be a star someday, not me. I was just destined to look at you shining from a place in the dark forever."

'Just like now.'

Smiling helplessly, she added, "I was afraid of that 'destiny'."

"That's just an excuse--"

"But you don't know anything," said Rachel as she began to stand up. "In fact, no one here, including your beloved sister, knows about you. I'm the only one who knows about you."

"Aren't you curious, Bam? Don't you want to know why you are trapped inside that cave?"

Charlotte held her sword tighter. Bam, on the other hand, was shocked and bewildered.

"... what? What did you just say, Rachel?"

Rachel confidently repeated her words, "I said don't you want to know the reason why you are trapped inside that cave?"

"But how...?! You said you didn't know anything!"

"I was lying. I didn't want to tell you the truth," Rachel admitted. "Do you think that you were born to come here, defeat Zahard, and become the hero that would change the whole tower? No, Bam. You weren't born for that. You weren't born to save this tower."

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now