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- Princess' Decision -

The one who had come to save them were Yuri Ha Zahard, Evan and a third person.

The third person had red messy hair with a pair of green eyes. He was quite tall for a slender man and he was wearing a black colored sweater with black pants and white shoes. His dark green eyes were focused on two people, Noah and Celeste who were shocked to see him and addressed him with the word 'teacher'.

In order to get all of them out, Yuri used the shinsu for a bit and then brought them up to different place.

Altaira assumed that whoever this messy red haired man must be Noah's and Celeste's teacher and he was a very important person for Celeste since Celeste looked happier than the usual as she was talking to him.

Meanwhile, Yuri who had finally found Bam after seven years more couldn't hesitate to pull him into a hug. She had watched everything about the match and knew that Bam must have went through a lot inside FUG.

"Anyway, is this your twin sister?" Yuri asked as she approached Khun who was currently carrying Charlotte in his arms. "She looks so much like you!"

"It's because they're twins, princess....."

"Well, no matter what, she deserves some good rest" Yuri said. "Though I'm excited to meet her when she is awake."

The others had long known that Viole and Nox weren't ordinary people, for they were the slayer candidates. But now that they knew that Viole or Bam had also be friended with someone as famous or infamous and important like Yuri, they were even more surprised.

Yuri happily listened to the stories that Bam was telling to her, especially about Urek Mazino who he once met when he was an E- rank regular.

Altaira wasn't interested in their talk for he had known about it. He was more interested with the red haired man who appeared in all sudden and was talking with Celeste and Noah. He wanted to eavesdrop on them and he could.

Altaira remembered the stories that Celeste ever told him. She once said that she had a teacher who took care of her since she was young. She treated her teacher as if he was her father and respected him as one.

'He must be the teacher that she mentioned.....'

"Anyway, I have been looking for you for years" the red haired man said to Noah. "Where you have been actually?"

"Sealed in this train" Noah answered. "......by that...... person."

"How did you free yourself then?"

"Ah, it was thanks to Charlotte that brother is free now."

"Charlotte? Which one? That girl with brown hair? She saved you?" He pointed to the girl who was resting on Khun's lap.

"..........I prefer saying that she had helped me a favor."

"You don't have to be embarrassed to be saved by a girl" the red haired man said and ruffed his hair. 

"I am not embarrassed! Stop ruffling my hair! It's annoying!"

"Have you thanked her properly yet?"


"Is that so, Celeste?"

Celeste shrugged off, "I can't seem to recall about it...."

Noah face palmed himself.

"You can't be rude to your life-savior, Noah."

"I did have thank her. I have also helped her again and again. We're not in debt with each other anymore."

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now