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Charlotte had shocked everyone there by her surprise and ambiguous action.

Someone who hated Rachel the most after Khun....would actually decide to save her? If this was before, she would never thought that there will be one day she would be saving Rachel. The last time they met, Charlotte even threw Rachel away from the Submarine of Choices without hesitation.

Charlotte saved Rachel for a reason. She didn't save Rachel recklessly or because she didn't want to see someone dying. It wasn't also because for the sake of plot line since Rachel was supposed to suffer from the poison on the sting of the bee belonged to Grand De Lee.

Grand De Lee chose to poison Rachel because he can't risk fighting Rachel head on. What if Rachel had the power to cancel his immortality like both Charlotte and Bam? That would have been dangerous. But Grand De Lee wasn't aware that Rachel wasn't useful like the twins.

After Charlotte saved Rachel, the two of them looked at each other in a moment of silence before Charlotte unhesitatingly dropped her to the ground and raised her hands up.


The others were getting more confused now, especially Grand De Lee who didn't have the idea about what Charlotte and Rachel had been through before they reach this Floor of Death.

In the North City, they were glaring and arguing with each other. And a moment earlier, Charlotte saved Rachel. But right now, Charlotte dropped Rachel as if she was nothing but a heavy burden.

Rachel didn't accept to be drop just like that.

"Do you have to drop me like that!?" She asked to Charlotte with a glare. "Rude!"

"Hey, my hands are now dirty from saving you!" Charlotte retaliated and glared back. She crossed her arms "It's fine if you don't thank me for saving your life, but how could you possibly call me rude?! You are the one who is rude!"

"........." None of them understood what Charlotte was thinking right now, really.

In the middle of the confusion and the chaos, Endorsi who glanced to the back noticed that there was an important figure missing.

"Hey....Khun" she called the blue haired man. With an awkward smile, she said to him, "While we were distracted.....it looks like Hwaryun disappeared."


Coming to that realization, Khun was surprised and immediately used the pocket to look for Hwaryun who was running to meet Grand De Sah and to get the Soul- Stirring Ladle.


"What are you making so much noise for? What if De Lee finds out that I'm gone?" Hwaryun calmly asked.

"SHUT UP! Are you seriously using us as a bait to get that ladle?" Khun asked in disbelief.

"How nice that we think the same way. It saves me the trouble of having explaining things" Hwaryun replied without the sign of hesitation or guilt.


"De Lee can't lie a finger on us anyway after I get the ladle. So just distract him for me until then. Please."

For someone like Hwaryun to say please, that must have meant that this ladle was extremely precious and this was her best chance to get that ladle.

But even though that the ladle was extremely precious, to distract the opponent before them wasn't an easy task. Their enemy was filled with anger and desire to kill them in order to guard both the ladle and thorn. Grand De Lee was even angrier after Rachel argued with him about their destiny and mocked it. Added by the fact that now the two savior candidates were turning their backs on him and betrayed him, how could he possibly not be mad?

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