2 • 92 • 104

372 29 36

- Promise -


The room was deadly quiet.

Each of them looked quite tense. Now that her identity was revealed, it was hard to interact like before.

Charlotte was too ashamed to face them. She was also afraid to see them. Bam, on the other hand, he was still guilty.

The scene where Charlotte was holding her chest with painful expression, the scene where every tears dropped from her eyes, the scene where she collapsed on the ground and didn't move anymore. How many times she was hurt because of his incompetence and weakness?

If he was stronger, maybe when Christ broke the chains that sealed her hourglass, he could prevent that from happening. He could avenge his little sister without relying others' help. If at the time the lotuses didn't mysteriously bloom, if there was no high- rankers to assist him, what should he do?

She will truly leave his side.

He opened his mouth, planning to strike a conversation first, "You......"

But what was her name? He didn't even know her name.

'Do I have the right to call her/him as my younger sister/older brother?'

She bit the bottom of her lips.

All these time, she managed to survive because someone else's identity and power. If it wasn't for the one who betrayed her, she would have died. She would have died long ago without a way to sacrifice herself again and again for her brother, died without being able to help him and the others.

"Brother......" She whispered in a very soft tone that they couldn't hear right when Bam opened his mouth to call her.

She clenched the bottom of her fists and gathered the courage inside her.

Who said that facing friends were easier than facing enemies? The courage that you have to summon in order to apologize to your friends, in order to show your weak side to your companions, the courage to tell the truth for your beloved ones, the courage that she needed to summon was more than the amount of courage she needed to face her enemies in the brink of death. 

"I'm sorry!"

She finally said those 2 words that startled Bam and the others.

She couldn't see them straight on their eyes for she knew that she was the wrong one here. She just hugged her knees and quietly dropped a tear from her eyes. But even though right now she was the wrong one, she didn't want anyone to see her weak and hopeless side.

She said that she had no longer see them as manhwa characters. Now that she thought about these words, she realized that it was a lie.

If she really see them as real people, why would she be afraid of telling the truth and blend in? Why would she care of the plot? Speaking about her priorities, right now, she was aware that she cared for the plot more than these people. 

All these time.....they were just bunch of lies. When she said that she cared for them deeply, her actions didn't prove her words like how it was supposed to be.

'If I truly care for them, then why do I let them suffer again and again?'

"Brother....Bam, Khun.....I'm sorry."

'Brother is right. I've changed. I've become a coward.'

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now