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- Three Routes; Three Trials : Part 3 -

The first time she encountered him was when she was severely injured after being betrayed by her own teammates. She ran and ran without knowing her direction, without knowing the time, without knowing what awaits her in the road that she chose.

Had she encountered an enemy instead, then she would lose her small life. But to her luck, she encountered a savior who she could beg to save her life.

The stranger was puzzled to hear her plea. He pondered for awhile before he spoke, "I could heal the wounds on your body and even give you a stronger power. But if I do that, I'm afraid that you will lose something."

"W- what is it...?"

"Your freedom and your mind."


"My ability is to turn the people who I save into puppets," he spoke earnestly. "Ah, it won't change your body into some sort of doll or robots, but you'll slowly lose your judgement ability. How am I supposed to say this?"

He told his ability to a stranger in ease without needing to worry about being betrayed. To do so, he must be very powerful to not worry about betrayals or he was incredibly stupid.

"You will unconsciously give your loyalty to me. You may not feel it now, but you'll feel it in the future that my words will sound like a law in your ears. If I die, you'll also die. If I find myself corrupted, you'll also be corrupted. You may receive power and immortality, but you won't even able to think straight or grow older."

"With this kind of consequences, are you sure that you still want to accept this offer?" He politely asked and extended his hand to her.

She knew that if she couldn't get a help soon, she would lose her consciousness and die. There was no other choice for her but to held his hand.

"I accept," she spoke firmly.

When he looked at those golden eyes, he knew that she was very determined to survive. He just wondered if this girl truly had thought of the consequences, because this concerned her future and her life.

"Are you sure about this? There's no turning back."


That day, she held the hand of her savior as tight as she can, afraid of letting it go. She was afraid that if she let go of his hand, then she would die.

"Because for me, nothing matters more than my own life and strength," she admitted her ambition. And instead of criticizing it, the man smiled instead.

"You have beautiful golden eyes," he said it suddenly. "Fine. Since you have agreed, then let's make an oath."

The young girl never thought that she would be this blessed to encounter a man like him. She never sought for his heart and his attention, she only sought the ability to protect him because the moment when she encountered him, even before she made an oath of becoming his puppet, she knew that this person was worthy to be protected from the dangers lurking on the corners of the tower.

Perhaps what made his "puppets" willing to serve him to death was not because of his skill, but because of his pure heart.

And when that pure kindness disappeared and cruelty was everything he had left, his words didn't feel like request from a friend, but an order from a tyrant. The day when his gentle smile was replaced with an icy cold expression was the day that she felt pain aching at her chest.

The pain was so unbearable that she wished to be able to dig out her own heart and see what was wrong with it. Her head felt dizzy whenever she was around him.

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