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- Threats -

Endorsi, along with Miseng, had brought the regulars away from the battlefield. However, she could tell that they wouldn't be able to leave anytime sooner, because Bam, Charlotte, and Altaira have yet to arrive. Even if they found the warp device already, they couldn't use it right away since the three of them haven't returned.

And worse, someone from the enemy side found them.

It was the ruler of the Last Station, Lee Xiawun.

"...so you managed to find the warp device, huh?" He asked.

"You're that turtle I saw from the screen...!"

"...I should have gotten rid of that thing the moment I know it exists, but I didn't want to draw anyone's attention," Lee Xiawun expressed his regret. "Still, it's a good thing that I installed a bomb on it."

"You WHAT!?" Estrella shouted in disbelief.

He showed a remote control with a large red button on it, "That's right. This remote control can set off the bomb I've planted on it. You can't escape."

He chuckled as he watched the youngsters were getting cornered. But as they were so close with reaching their exist, there was no way that they would let themselves be cornered and surrender. They were so close of escaping and they were going to succeed.

Vines grew from the ground and surrounded Noah, "Then do you think which will happen faster? You pressing that button or I kill you first?"

Celeste unsheathed her sword as well. But Raisin suddenly stepped forward and swung his hand to his right side horizontally, signalling his friends to calm themselves down. He looked at the ruler of Last Station with the confidence that made Lee Xiawun felt uncomfortable.

"What are you looking at?" He asked with a challenging tone. "Do you think that I'm just bluffing? That I won't be able to press this button?"

"Of course not," Raisin responded. "It's just that I have something to offer for you."


"We have a teammate who could heal all sorts of injuries, including broken limbs," Raisin explained, "So if you are willing to do us a favor and turn blind eye on us, we'll ask for her help to heal your legs. How does that sound?"

Lee Xiawun was silent in contemplation.

'What is this guy planning?' Estrella wondered. 'Anyone knows that the person who he's referring to is Charlotte.'

"After all, I'm sure that it must be tiring and depressing to sit on wheelchair everyday. But as long as you help us with this one matter..." He raised his index finger in front of his face and added, "We'll end that pain of yours."

He repeated his words once more, "All you need to do is pretend you haven't seen us. Isn't it simple?"

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

"Who the hell did this?"

Her eyes were bloodshot when she saw Altaira within the coffin.

She raised her left hand and the giant golden clock appeared.

[ Charlotte's Style Time Manipulation : Time Reverse ]

After unlocking two chains, Charlotte could now stop the attacks of ordinary rankers. And the speed of her [ Time Reverse ] was getting faster and faster. In less than a second, his wounds were healed and his complexion became better. In a blink of an eye, he started to open both of his eyes. 

When he opened both of his eyes, the first thing he saw was the orange and purple sky. And the first thing he thought was, 'Has the sun set already? I feel quite warm.'

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