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- Beta -

Sophia, she was the scientist who took care of Horyang and Casano when they were young. She was the one who taught them lots of things. She was also the one who gave them their names. When Charlotte heard that name from Horyang's story, she didn't expect that she would see her at this moment.

Sophia wore the white uniform like a scientist or researcher with tan skin, brown hair and eyes. She appeared to be an ordinary woman without anything special and she came with the people from Workshop who carried weapons.

Charlotte remembered that there was a woman who stopped Beta and told him to calm down. But her efforts were futile as Beta was determined to have all of them buried there. But for Charlotte, she came at the right time as it gave her more time to think about the detail that she missed.

And when she thought about it, she smiled and clapped her hands, "THAT'S IT!!"

"What?" Khun looked at her, wanting to know what she had figured out.

"Khun, has the ugly snake withdraw from the semifinals?" Charlotte asked him.

The ugly snake was Miya, the gambler who approached him before in the Video Room. Khun didn't waste a second as he began to check it out and then discovered that she had given up. He didn't notice it before as he turned off the communication! Once he learnt about it, he immediately told Shibisu's Team to surrender.

There were two teams left. If Shibisu surrenders, then their team would be the winner and then they won't have to wait for 5 minutes to get Bam summoned. He would come instantly without loading as he would be their prize. Knowing that it would help their friends, Shibisu immediately surrendered without hesitation.

But Beta, before Bam could come, he had destroyed the whole summoning center with his skill. The top of the summoning center was destroyed and Charlotte closed her eyes put her arms on her head so that she won't get hit by whatever that fell because of that explosion.

Surprisingly, by the time she opened her eyes, violet colored chrysanthemum petals shielded her. The others also looked surprised as numerous violet colored chrysanthemum petals only shielded her and not them. Those petals came out of nowhere and out of blue and judging from her expression, Khun was able to tell that it wasn't her skill. But if it wasn't her skill, then who did that?

What happened here?

"Ah....." She opened her right palm as a petal of chrysanthemum landed on her hand gently. She found those petals quite beautiful.

She looked around and discovered that it was Noah's doings. Noah just crossed his arms and said, "You have to be more careful."

She smiled, "Alright. Thank you."

When Charlotte didn't notice it and lifted her head to look at the sky as she was waiting for something to come, Noah turned his head and looked away with a snort.

She has been waiting for something to come. And soon enough, there was a light coming from the sky.

Turned out, Shibisu didn't surrender the game late. He surrendered the game right on time.


"The game has ended. Loading complete" the system said. "Summoning of Jue Viole Grace complete."

The Slayer Candidate Jue Viole Grace had arrived in the store.

When Charlotte saw her brother there, she couldn't help but to smile and wrap her arms and then jumped at him. Of course Bam caught her right on time and smiled back at her.

"Brother, you are back!" Charlotte said. "This is good!"

"Yes, this is indeed a good thing" Bam agreed with her. He did smile, but in the same time, he was a bit sad. Knowing that his sister was hurt, he felt sad.

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now