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- Last Dance, New Beginning -

Spears clashed against each other. 

"It's not that you can't! You are distracted!"

Charlotte's words kept echoing within his head. 

The Hidden Floor generated her as his sworn enemy was because it knew that she was once his everything, and now, she was his biggest obstacle in walking forward.

'It's cruel. But that's how life is.'

As much as he hated it, he would have to face it.

And as much as Anan didn't want to admit it, she would have to face this truth.

'The way he fights has changed. It is different from before. Now, he has calmed down and really has made up his mind.'

Dying in a battlefield was not a big problem for her. Instead, she felt honored to be able to die in a battlefield.

[Anan's Style- Ten Needles of Oblivion]

She created ten needles with shinsu. Numerous needles were created on the air.

"What the heck?! So many needles!" Charlotte shouted.

"Have you never seen needles before that you are this surprised?" Kiseia questioned her.

'....... or not?'

"I'm not going to fall for that trick!"

The 10 Needles of Oblivion. It was a rather tricky technique that she used to deceive her opponents and to kill without leaving any traces behind. The hundred needles summoned within the air were not all real. Some of them were simply illusions to trick him.

'But even when most of them are illusions... the real ten needles are always perfectly hidden!'

And because most of them were illusions, any attacks won't be able to destroy them. And their attacks won't be able to give him real injuries, but it will make him deceived by lies and false reality, misleading him to believe that he was wounded. And the more he thought he was wounded, the more anxious he would be. And when he lost his calmness, the real needles could strike him down from anywhere and anytime.

But the fact that the real needles could just kill him while behind hidden among the needles made this trick dangerous.

"If I can't find the real ones... then I'll just destroy everything!"

As if responding to his challenge, the needles were all launched in the same time.

'She wants to use illusions to destroy me. Then all I have to do is just to break her illusions and lies. Do not be afraid or distracted!'

[Altaira's Style- Chilling Wind]

As he swung his ice spear towards the direction of needles, turquoise and chilling aura was released and froze the needles within the air, whether they were illusions or not.

While Anan looked surprised as if she didn't expect this to come, Altaira had a proud smirk.

'I never used this trick when I'm sparring against him. So... how does he know?'

He admired his sister, he feared his sister and he loved his sister. And another lesson that he learned from his sister was that if he was afraid of someone, if he was going to a battle, then determine the reasons, learn everything about that person.

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