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- Archimedes -

|Next Morning|


Charlotte can't believe that the first decision he would make after joining the Sweet and Sour was giving most of the house chores to her.

Khun knew that his new teammates were ordinary and that they needed some time to practice. Their time was limited so they need to use it efficiently. And since Charlotte had passed and reached the floor where she was allowed already to participate the Workshop Battle, she had the idlest time.

He gave most of the house chores to her so that the others could get more time to practice. He actually planned to hand all of them to her but he knew that if he did that, then Charlotte would rather destroy the house so there would be no house chores.

Charlotte was a slayer candidate, not a servant. Not only that this decision hurt her pride and made her felt that her rank was decreasing, she wasn't that diligent enough to take over most of the house chores. She had just thought that she would get to rest and do whatever she wants in this one month until Khun made the decision. Therefore, she felt irritated and immediately disagreed.

And she felt betrayed that the others agreed.

"Did you come all these way just to cheat me as your servant?" She asked Khun.

Surprisingly, he replied with the three words: "Aren't you one?"

Charlotte was rolling up her sleeves already while the others tried to calm her down. The battle between the descendant of Khun Family and a slayer candidate, that would seriously blow up their house.

When the Sweet and Sour knew about Khun's idea, they doubted whether Charlotte would agree with it and like what they predicted, she was more than ready to fight the mastermind of this idea.

But that doesn't mean that they don't have the idea to make Charlotte agrees with it.

Both Nox and Charlotte loved pretty and adorable stuffs and things. It wasn't the secret anymore that she actually loved Miseng a lot as she was quite adorable. And using her love to Miseng, they took advantage of it and put Charlotte in a hard time resisting her. 

Charlotte remembered that she was the one who used this kind of trick to get whatever she wanted. She knew that she was a pretty and adorable girl and took advantage of it to escape from the punishments for some of her tricks. Now that someone else had used similar trick with her, she was sure that this was her karma.

At the end, she gave up. And it was a good thing to the others as not only that they got extra time to practice, their parts in doing the boring house chores has been decreased.

"But!" She said and pointed her fan to them. "If you don't make it to the Workshop Battle, then don't blame me for putting poisons in your food."

"Don't worry" Wangnan said with his cheerful smile. "We will make it to the Workshop Battle!"

That was indeed the truth as that did the happen in the Manhwa. All of them will make it to the Workshop Battle and even won it. But Charlotte didn't want to agree with it as she felt that her rank as slayer candidate has decreased into a servant because of them.

"Don't get happy first or confident. Those people in Workshop are mostly crazy people. There will be no mercy in the fight" Charlotte said to them. She looked at Khun and added, "Even if you have an arrogant leader to guide you, that doesn't mean you are going to win."

After that, she walked away and left.

[One Month Later]

After Charlotte gave Miseng and Prince the water so that they could drink it and rest for awhile, she headed to look for Khun.

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