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- Sweet and Sour left -

After drinking the medicine earlier, Nathan said that Charlotte was supposed to get some rest.

For someone who hasn't slept properly for some time, sleep was one of the things she wanted to do the most. But a few hours of sleeping which she found not enough, she was being awake by someone who turned out to be the protagonist trio.

"I remember that someone said to me that I could sleep as long as I want after the slayer nominee selection" said Charlotte who yawned sleepily. "But I was awaken before I could get enough sleep."

"....If you want to stay behind, then you could say so" Khun responded.

"I was just kidding."

Charlotte thought that it was a good thing that she didn't randomly throw her pillow when she felt disturbed by someone waking her up. She can't imagine what will happen if she actually throw her pillow and let her pillow hit her brother. 

But it would have been a different case if someone else tried to wake her up. Aside from the trio and Celeste, Charlotte thought that she wouldn't regret biting them who tried to wake her up.

Charlotte has been looking forward to meet Yuri who, like what she expected, cool as always. If there was something that she loved from this princess was that she was cool and confident and also straight-forward and caring. But since they were going to go to the Name Hunt Station, they should leave their talk for later.

Yuri was sure that there were more regulars yesterday. But according to Khun, Chang and Quaetro left while talking Buelsar and Angel with them. Bero Bero, the fat candy girl in yellow dress chose to stay behind with the clone. Nathan can't go as well since he has no intention on helping these youngsters. Daniel and Aka were following them.

If Boro and Sachi found this familiar for the four of them ever fought together before, Charlotte found this rather surprising. She wondered what makes the plot change and then figured out that since Charlotte reversed the time and healed their wounds instantly at the time, they won't have to leave the train because of their condition. Her action that was supposed to show how powerful and capable she was caused this to change and she could not blame anyone for it. But still, she felt a little bit regret.

The Sweet and Sour Team members were also planning to leave to chase Casano and they wanted Yeon to stay behind. They thought that Yeon would be able to help Viole and the others well.

When Wangnan informed to Bam that he will bring the Sweet and Sour to catch Casano and left the train immediately, Khun disagreed and thought that it would be better for them to go together. But Bam who was behaving weird after going to the Rice Pot agreed with Wangnan for it was his decision.

Charlotte knew what made Wangnan wanted to leave the train as soon as possible. Her golden eyes glanced at Hwaryun who noticed her glance and looked at her. She turned her head away. 

In the manhwa, after they were saved by Yuri and Evan, Hwaryun approached Wangnan and warned him that the longer he and his friends stayed in the train, then one of them will die. Wangnan felt alarmed and chose to end things sooner.

White was now hungry as he needed souls for his power. And if Wangnan and the Sweet and Sour members were found roaming around the train without Viole or Nox, maybe they would have fought with them and showed themselves up. At that moment, Wangnan will do anything to capture Casano and left with his friends.

Charlotte was gathering her courage to say that she also wanted to go with them only to be surprised by Estelle who suddenly raised her hand and volunteered to go with the Sweet and Sour Team.

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