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- Switching Dallars -

All of them had made their grand entrance for the slayer selection game.

If they were late for several more seconds, then they will automatically defeated. They arrived there with the help of Khun's lighthouse.

Charlotte's golden eyes stared around the place. There was Hoaqin, Sweet and Sour Team, their friends and also two children with white hair and eyes that looked quite similar with Hoaqin himself. Charlotte assumed that the two of them must be Vicente and Anna, Hoaqin's siblings.

If there was something that Charlotte hadn't tell her friends yet was that the truth that Vicente and Anna weren't clones. They were Hoaqin's siblings who worked together with him in order to outshine their father. And now, they were having an argument.

Vicente, the short white haired boy who was holding a book chose to stand on Wangnan's side. In another word, he was their ally.

Wangnan and Yeon had given him food when he was angry. Moreover, when the five Arie siblings including Hoaqin had used that forbidden spell to be one, he was sleeping all the time and the one who controlled all their actions and decisions was only Hoaqin. He disagreed with it and this time, he wanted to be the center among the five of them.

While Anna, as far as Charlotte remembered, she seemed to be an obedient younger sister. She was obedient, like the sister that Altaira had dreamed for.

Altaira always said to her that he preferred innocent and obedient younger sister just like in films. But to his bad luck, his younger sister was someone playful who keeps looking for troubles whenever she had the chance for it. He always sighed and complained whenever he thought of it and Charlotte would just smile happily. Now that Charlotte recalled about this one, she smiled on her own.

The thought that Altaira was complaining that his sister wasn't that obedient had already made her smile. Combining with the fact that she encountered her friends again and Hoaqin has yet became one made her smile even wider. It was because that if Hoaqin hadn't become one with his siblings, then the chance of their winning will be higher.

Well, of course, it will only be the matter of time before they won. But Charlotte shouldn't underestimate the challenge before her. Like what her teacher, Ha Jinsung said to her, that if she gotten herself arrogant to a certain point, she might lose or defeated. And that will surely be humiliating.

Hoaqin, Anna and Vicente noticed that Celeste and Noah who were standing along with the others. Their eyes were locked at Celeste who had white hair and eyes with a sword on her hand. Without a doubt, she might be one of the Arie just like them.

Hoaqin didn't notice her before. One month ago, he bumped to his old enemies, had a fight with two slayer nominees, accepted the ridiculous challenge and busied himself to look for his siblings just to face the betrayal from Vicente. He was sure that there was a high chance that Celeste might be from the same family with them but he wasn't sure whether he had seen her before.

The descendants in the Arie Family might not be a lot but he was locked for around six hundreds years because of Boro and his damned friends so he didn't know what happened outside when he was sealed.

Poro Poe, they guy whom they met in the Hell Train and the one who helped Rachel and her comrades was riding on something to float in the air, in the shinsu. He floated high before the others, causing the regulars to have to lift their heads to look at him. Behind him, there was a large screen.

Poro Poe cleared his throat before he began to talk.

"Now that the participating regulars have all gathered, we will now begin the match!" he said to all the regulars there. "The Hell Train stage four! The match for determining the slayer candidate! A death match where each other's life and the position of slayer nominee lies! The test for the fourth stage will be--"

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