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- Wonder -

Altaira massaged his temple.

The man ended up with Raisin and Estrella who will always argue and debate with each other whenever they meet and no matter where they were or what circumstances they were in. And right now, they were still arguing like a pair of old married couple.

Why they were bickering? They were bickering because they can't accept the truth that the two of them ending up in the same team. Raisin who was always cool would always lose his temper because of Estrella's words and the same thing goes with Estrella.

'Maybe I should have leave these two alone. It's not like anyone could kill them anyway' Altaira silently thought as he walked first, followed by the pair of red heads walking behind him. 'I wonder who Charlotte and Celeste get as teammates. Well, considering Charlotte's luck, she will get someone worse than mine right?'

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

Rak was very irritated for two reasons. First, it was because he ended up with a regular in pink who was floating on shinsu with the help of her pink colored pillow. She was sleeping on her pillow while following them. Second, it was because they had low amount of Dallars. He, Celeste and the regular who was probably dead since she didn't respond to them got only one Dallar each. If you counted all of it, they got only three Dallars.

Celeste did not complain. Even if she was going to complain, she was lost in words. She just sighed and then walked away, followed by Rak who was trying to unlock all the locked doors when their Dallars weren't enough.

"Damn it, which stupid turtle locks all the doors?" Rak asked in irritation. "I'm going to kill him!"

'These doors that were locked seemed to be leading us to a path' Celeste silently thought as she made a gesture of thinking. 'But who could be leading us? Enemies? Or allies?'

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

"This pipe is cleaner than what I thought" Noah said as he walked next to Charlotte.

Unlike the teammates whom Altaira and Celeste got, Charlotte's teammate was a quiet person. He didn't complain, didn't bicker, didn't yell or shout. When the two of them thought that she will probably get the worst team because of her luck, she probably got one of the bests.

"Those FUG won't let you meet with Khun or Bam easily" Noah said to Charlotte. "They probably teleport us far from them."

"I know" Charlotte responded. "But I'm still thinking about looking for them."

"They will be fine" Noah assured her. "And besides, do you even know the route?"

Charlotte did not respond when she heard that question.

"Let me change the question" Noah said again after a few moments Charlotte didn't answer. "Do you even know where we are heading to?"


"For your information, we have been walking around in circles for three times" Noah said to Charlotte.

"Really? We've walked in circles?" Charlotte was really surprised. "Then why don't you tell me earlier?"

Noah shrugged off, "I just thought that you know the route."

"You know how bad I am with directions right?" Charlotte asked him.

"Well, it's not like I know the way either" Noah said. "Let's just sit here and wait for the game ends. Save our time thinking how to escape from this maze."

Tower of God Fan Fiction: Transmigration[Hope]Where stories live. Discover now