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- Coin Toss -

Khun wasn't really surprised to know that he and the others were blocked by Rachel's teammates. Casano and the Mr. Traveler stood before them while Rachel and Yura Ha were in the behind them, trapping them in the middle without any way out.

"Shall we begin....the 'Sweet Fish Hunt'?" Rachel asked him. Her yellow eyes showed hatred and maliciousness.

The pipe was quiet for a moment. 

"Were you waiting for us until we got to the exit so you could surround us?" Khun asked Rachel. "You're lot more determined than I thought."

"....you were the only one who refused to believe it" Rachel responded. "I was always like this. Don't you remember....? I once pretended that I suffered with a broken leg for years just to trick you."

Hong Danhwa, on the other hand, when he saw Yura Ha warned Yura Ha to leave the FUG's side. He warned her that FUG was merely using her in which Yura Ha didn't understand.

"Enough of this nonsense!" Rachel said again. "Let's just end the game here!"

Casano who heard that began to use his left arm that started to transform into something else with red glow. Khun assumed that his strength would be similar or stronger with Ran who didn't use the Lightning Pill.

He also can't underestimate Yura Ha for she was from the Ha Family while carrying her suitcase all around. He was in a disadvantageous situation for he should shield his Sweet Fish. 

But he wasn't really worried. His cobalt blue eyes glanced to a direction as he was waiting for someone or a group of people.

"AAAHHHH!!! HEY!!!WHITE TURTLE!" A very familiar voice shouted from the direction where he was glancing at.

Rak who was shouting to Khun came with Celeste and the strange pink haired girl who was still asleep. He shouted at him while asking, "ARE YOU IN TROUBLE?!"

When Celeste noticed that there were some enemies down below, she began to pull out her sword. Rak who landed on the floor changed his size again and turned into the gigantic alligator before Casano and shouted again, "THIS LOOKS SO MUCH FUN!"

"STAY OUT OF THE WAY!" Casano said as he began to use his left arm.

Celeste noticed the traveler with orange hair who stood near with Casano. She knew him.

In the one month after their failure in the Train City, Charlotte told Celeste everything that she knew, including the traveler. Although Charlotte mentioned it accidentally and let that information slip from her mouth carelessly, the brown haired girl told Celeste that Casano met a friend with orange hair. The two of them seemed to be close, she said towards her.

Without thinking longer, she extended her right palm towards the orange haired man. White butterflies immediately appeared from her sleeve, or perhaps from her right palm, and circled around the orange haired man.

Calmly and steadily, she said to Casano, "My butterflies love meat the most, especially the fresh one. And lately, since I don't have any fresh meat to offer, they might be quite hungry. You won't mind if I feed your little friend over there to them right?

Keep your Devil to yourself, Casano."

Celeste could see now that Charlotte wasn't lying about it. Casano did stop and stood properly, showing no sign of fighting now.

"H-How did you get here?! How did you know I was here?" Rachel asked, panicked.

"....Actually, I brought us some insurance" Khun began to explain.

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