Chapter 11: Volunteer

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On their way to class Lisa signed them up for whatever StuCo activity needed help for the week as usual.

Jisoo was telling Lisa about Soojoo getting them both killed in the game yesterday when Rosé walked up and asked to speak with Lisa.

She stared through the window to see Rosé giving back Lisa's jacket.

A comment from Lisa turned the beaming Rosé beet red.

Rosé kind of looks like the Canadian flag right now.

Wendy would be so proud.

Jisoo would've continued to watch if it wasn't for a sudden weird feeling of being watched.

Turning back, she saw everyone busy in their conversations, waiting for their professor.

She noticed Lisa and Rosé had returned inside so had her professor.

Lisa explained every detail of their conversation like a child talking to their parents about the first day of school.

Jisoo was listening until Lisa started talking about how talented Rosé's left ear probably was.

Please never let me get like this!

She was staring at Sana when she noticed the girl beside her glare at her.

Looking away from Sana, she caught the huge frown on the girl's face before she turned towards the front to continue listening to the lecture again.

Why was Jennie Kim staring at me?

....And why does she look like a grumpy kitten?

Class went by with Jisoo spending more time staring at Jennie than Sana.

Occasionally catching her look at her and then looking forward when she realized Jisoo was staring back.

Is the student council on special look out today?

They even assigned me, my own member.

As soon as the bell rang, Jisoo and Lisa ran out to freedom.

It was only them, Wendy and Soojoo since Seulgi and Jeongyeon were apparently busy with something.

"All students who signed up to help the Student Council with setting up for the upcoming Valentine's Day event need to report in front of the main office right now."

Jisoo was groaning as a smiling Lisa dragged her to the office.

Her mood lightened up a bit when she saw Sana guiding all the students to the gym. Nevermind, lunch can wait!

Jisoo was about to whine to Lisa when they saw Jeongyeon and Seulgi bringing out the supplies they were working with.

Not too far were Irene and Nayeon carrying basically nothing.


"How long should they suffer, Lili?"

Hearing no response, she looked back to find an empty spot beside her.


Her eyes finally landed on Lisa following Rosé around like a lovesick puppy.

I'm officially an orphaned child.

Jisoo was walking backwards, trying to leave unnoticed when she bumped into the wall.

They make such soft structures these days.

She was about to start sliding across it when the wall cleared its throat.

Being caught by surprise, Jisoo turned around to see the same grumpy cat that she caught glaring at her in class.

"Would you like to say something to me?"

"You have a big heart."

"Excuse me?"

Jisoo's mouth had caught even herself by surprise.

"Sorry, I was just leaving."

Jennie blocked Jisoo's way again.

"You can't leave until you help us. Your name is on the sign up sheet." She shoved the clipboard in Jisoo's face.

"They really did assign you for me, huh?", Jisoo murmured.

Jennie just furrowed her brows and Jisoo knew she wasn't going to let her leave.

"I wanted to leave for a drink."

"I'll come with you."

"No thanks. I'm not interested in a bodyguard right now."

As Jisoo walked out she could see Jennie follow behind her.

Great. Now I'm a cat owner too.

Knowing she wasn't going to be left alone, she walked to the furthest fountain, all the way on the other end of the building.

Smirking as she saw a frowning Jennie jogging with her clipboard to keep up with Jisoo's stride.

Dragging out her drink for as long as possible, she was on her way back when she heard a panting Jennie.

"You're tired?"

"No! Just keep walking!" Jennie breathed out.

Jisoo felt bad. She didn't know the girl was this out of shape.

She bent down to re-tie both her laces to give the girl time to catch her breath.

Jennie's breathing was back to normal when she stood back up.

Jennie went back to Irene to check in with her and Jisoo decided to actually do some work for tiring out Jennie. 

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