Chapter 59: A Promise

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"Excuse me, I think you might wanna let go of my hand. I have a cute girlfriend who resembles a cat with mandu cheeks." She was too lost in her explanation to see the newbie's now slightly embarrassed and annoyed face.

"And trust me you don't want to see an upset and angry cat mandu." Jisoo nodded as she finished her words in a matter of factly manner.

"Do I look like an angry cat mandu creature to you, Kim Jisoo?"

Jisoo's head shot up with fear when she heard the newbie's voice. The familiar face sent shivers down her spine.

"Jendeukie?!" She reached out to let her hand lay on Jennie's waist as usual only to have it swatted away.

"Don't touch me, you thug!" The girl angrily opened the antiseptic and pushed Jisoo back to lean against the counter.

Jisoo watched her grab for a cotton pad and lean back into her face to clean it. She kept leaning in, eager to close the gap between them and kiss her but Jennie was too focused on cleaning the scrape to notice her desperate attempts.

Once she was done, she slapped on a bandaid and moved away from her. The crossed arms told Jisoo she was in for a long lecture.

Meanwhile, Jennie was avoiding eye contact knowing if she looked at Jisoo, she'll lose all her willpower. Her mind was battling on whether she should cry or shout at Jisoo for her carelessness.

"Do you have any idea how shocked I was to see you? You cancelled on me to fight guys in a café with Lisa?"

"Jen." Jisoo tried calming the furious woman down but was ignored continuously as her lecture continued.

Her tone was slowly going from anger to dejection and Jisoo couldn't continue to watch. She kept going on and on until she was physically unable to.

"What if you did get hurt? Then what? Did you even stop to think of me? What if it ended up deeper than a graze? How many times have I told you-"

She was cut off by Jisoo's hands which had found their way to her nape, pulling her deeper into more than just a kiss. Jennie pulled away when they ran out of air to breathe.

"Will you please listen to me now?" Jennie was too flushed to refuse her. Jisoo just pulled her closer by the waist

"I'm sorry for scolding you but you told me you won't fight anymore."

Jisoo held her free hand up to push away the hair that had fallen in front of Jennie's face. "I didn't want to but you were practically shivering behind Chaengie. I felt bad."

The older planted a small kiss on her forehead. "No more fighting."

"Promise?" Her dilated pupils shivered in patience at Jisoo's answer.

The edges of Jisoo's lips moved into a curve. "Promise." Jennie eased into her embrace as Jisoo whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"You look so cute in your new uniform."

"I wanted you to be the first person to see me in it." Jennie stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

"Lisa deprived me of that." Jisoo sneered in annoyance. "I was forced to tag along so she could be jealous of Rosie from afar."

Jennie pulled away from their hug. "So, you're not jealous?" She raised her eyes at a grinning Jisoo.

"Nope. My cold-hearted girlfriend would easily reject anyone that's not me." She buried her face into the crook of Jennie's neck and began dropping butterflies kisses upward.

"Jisoo!" Her girlfriend softly slapped her away. It barely stopped Jisoo's playfulness since it ended up with her connecting their lips again.

"Can you please refrain from breeding in my kitchen? I would like to keep this holy place from being christened."

"Chuu!" Jisoo's face brightened at the younger entrance. Almost anyone would, she was like a walking ball of sunshine.

"I'm so sorry, manager." Jennie bowed out of respect.

"Unnie, you're older than me. You don't have to call me that." Jiwoo whined at her. "Plus, Jisoo unnie probably corrupted you." The two friends eyed each other playfully.

"You guys are friends." Jennie duly noted.

"Yup. And if I'm remembering correctly you're the Jendeukie that has Jisoo unnie wrapped around her finger."

"Jisoo!" Jennie whined as the two friends continued to tease her about the nickname.

She didn't really mind as she got to see Jisoo pushing her eyes into adorable crescents as her smile reached up. Chuu decided to leave them alone to see what state her girlfriend was in with the other couple.

Yves was drinking her Americano behind the counter when she watched the couple bicker.

"I don't need protection."

"But Chaengie, you saw them. What if I haven't come?"

"One of our managers would have dealt with it. Now leave." She strictly told her off.

"Fine. But before that," Lisa stomped up to the counter.

"I want a job here!"


"Why?!!" Lisa wailed as Yves stood by without a flinch.

"You sided with Olivia last time we went out."

"You can't do this to me. This is discrimination!"

"Go get her." Jisoo, who had just come out instructed Seulgi.

Lisa continued her rant on discrimation and favouritism as she was dragged away by the bear.

"Will I see you?" Jennie pulled Jisoo's weait back before she could leave."


"Yes, she'll return safely after the war and you can see her and make twenty babies. Now, please hurry up and get out of my café." Yves shooed off Jisoo.

"Stop being salty over happy couples and come help me here!" Chuu's voice was enough to get the older girl jogging to the counter.

Jisoo turned to face Jennie once again with her sparkling eyes.

"I'll be waiting for you here exactly five minutes after your shift is over." She whispered, letting her breath hit Jennie's ear a tad bit longer before pulling away.

She smirked at the blushing mess before feeling the soft pillows she called Jennie's lips with her own.

They longingly disconnected their hands and Jennie watched Jisoo with a grin as she blew her a kiss while Seulgi came back and dragged the hopeless lover away.

Jennie hopes Jisoo will give her heart a break sometimes. It was getting harder to endure the physical distance between them. If only there was a way she could always have the older by her side.

Tired from work but felt like writing some fluff today

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