Chapter 15: Nicki Minaj

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Lisa stumbled into the cafeteria. She had to look around for a bit since she couldn't instantly find the bright blonde hair.

Spotting Jeongyeon's short blonde hair instead, she started walking towards the table.

She noticed a black hoodie at the spot where Rosé would usually be.

Noticing Lisa, Jeongyeon's eyes bulged out. She slightly shook her head at her but Lisa mistook her.

Poor Jeong. She has been paying so much attention to Nayeon beside her that she's having neck cramps. :(

Confirming the black hoodie as Rosé by the voice, she cleared her throat and tapped her shoulder.


Rosé jumped up too quickly to notice the hoodie which fell off her head.

The other girls at the table stared at her in disbelief and were trying to get out words to tell her unsuccessfully.

Lisa looked back for a little boost of confidence but all she saw were her friends doing the mannequin challenge a few years too late.

What's wrong with them?

She finally looked up at Rosé who was waiting for her to speak.

"Roses for- Nicki Minaj?"


Lisa's voice was shaking. She didn't know how to hold her composure while Rosé just stared at her in disbelief.

In front of her stood the girl that had almost half of South Korea convinced that she was a natural blonde.

Her previous golden hair was now replaced with bright pink hair.

"H-happy Barb da- BIRTHDAY!"

Already catching onto what Lisa was implying, Rosé just muttered out a 'Thank you' and took the flowers from her.

Seeing a pouting Chaeyoung was the last thing Lisa would ever want.

"I'm so-"


The yell caused Rosé to pull up her hoodie and sit back down.

Seulgi ran into the cafeteria with Jisoo on her back, posing like Superman.

They ran towards Lisa and Jisoo changed from Seulgi's back to Lisa who grabbed her out of pure instinct.

She was still staring at Rosé with her mouth wide open.

Seeing their mess, and the rest of the girls focused on them, Jeong slowly backed up and left the table.

I don't know them! Please don't associate them with me!

"Happy Birthday!"

"Lisa doesn't have a top down, AC with the cooler system."

Jisoo was getting out anything to direct the stares towards her instead of Rosé.

"But she promised to have your heartbeat running away." Seulgi added on.

Not wanting her friends to speak anymore, Lisa snapped out of her daze and dragged Seulgi out of the cafeteria.


Seulgi slapped Jisoo's head before bowing to everyone as they left. The rest of the students returned back to their own conversations after a few minutes.

The StuCo members didn't even know how to react.

Joy and Sana couldn't stop laughing, earning a few daggers from Rosé. Nayeon was searching for a missing Jeongyeon while Irene and Tzuyu were still in shock.

Jennie wasn't shocked, just annoyed. This was typical behaviour for Jisoo anyway.

She rolled her eyes before continuing to comfort a pouting Rosé.


Trying to slowly put out chapters and get past Jensoo's "incident" so I can get to the fluff

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