The Long Goodbye PT. 2

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Not long after, my comm goes off "Security to Lab Three!" 

"Damn it! I was right!" And I take off running. 

Ronon follows me and we meet up with Teyla once we reach the Lab. 

"We have a medical emergency in Lab three!" She calls in. 

"Sir, are you alright?"

"Yes. Stunner blast. I'm fine." Caldwell responds. 

Ronon decides to ask the question that we all are wanting to ask. "What happened?"

"She was playing us from the beginning."

"See! I knew it!" When I say that I get a pointed look from my superior, "I mean, Weir, sir?"

"Sheppard too. It's both of them now." He radios the control room, "Patch my radio through to security teams only. This is Caldwell. Both Doctor Weir and Colonel Sheppard are under the influence of alien entities. If at all possible, subdue and contain them with non-lethal force."

"We can track them down faster."

"He's right, sir."

"There is a medical team on its way," Teyla adds. 


At that, the three of us head off running. "I'm heading to the control room, you two meet up with the other teams." 

When I make it there Caldwell, Rodney, and Beckett are already there. 

"We just lost contact with Major Lorne." A Tech says.

"What about the life signs detectors? We could track them that way." I ask.

"How? They'll read as human. We won't be able to differentiate." Beckett questions. 

Caldwell presents a solution, "Security teams travel in groups of two or more. They'll be the only individual signals traveling through the city. Let's go!" He turns to McKay, "What are you waiting for?" 

The scientist turns to the colonel "Uh, look, I don't wanna get all, chain of command on you but, um, I am a senior member of this expedition, so with Elizabeth and Colonel Sheppard our of the equation, then..." I facepalm, knowing damn well that Rodney will not end up in charge, at all. 

"I'm in charge." 

"No, no, no, no, see, I don't think that's technically true, because you are here for, like what, about on week out of six. That doesn't"

Caldwell interrupts. "Is it possible that because I was host to a Goa'uld, you don't trust me, doctor?" 

"Oh damn," I whisper and Colson just nods.

"I didn't say that."

"I'm the highest-ranking military officer here, and this is clearly a military situation. Does that clear things up for you?" 

"Back me up, Ali!"

"Do not involve me." 

He turns to Beckett but he just turns away. "Fine!" 


"Sir, I'm picking up some chatter I think you'll want to hear."

"Put it on speaker." Caldwell orders. 

"You're the one that likes to run. My ship ran out of fuel before I could even get a clean shot." Says the man controlling Sheppard.

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