Wraith and Ford PT.1

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Teyla is now looking outside the cell as I sit next to Ronon. Although we worked well together, the silence between us is tense.

"Are you still upset with me?" 

I pause before answering. "No. At least, I'm not as mad as I was before. Look, I know that this drug or enzyme is hard to get over, but we need to work together. So, yes, but I know that we work well as a team so..."

"So you're saying that you are mad, but you want to survive."

"That and I'm willing to just work past this, and if I'm correct, you will be dealing with withdrawals soon enough and I want to be able to help the two of you.

Once again, Ronon is interrupted before he gets to reply when Teyla announces the Colonel's return. When the guards shove John into the cell the two of us quickly run to the cell door. 

"Are you unharmed?" Teyla asks.

"Yeah." He groans.

Ronon lifts the Raven-haired man off the ground. "Where'd they take you?"

"A little Q and A with the queen of the hive."

"What'd you tell her?" Ford asks.

The Colonel sits on a bench. "It was a short conversation. She walked out."

"Why?" Aiden asked irritated.

"I dunno. Maybe she was late for a meeting."

"No. There's something else. I sense she was agitated, even angry." The only other woman speaks up.

"Why?" I ask.

There's a slight pause, "Another Hive ship has arrived."

Ronon and I sit while Ford and Kanayo stand when we hear this information. 

"Are you sure?" I ask Teyla.

"I sense it... close by." 

"Well, maybe they're planning on culling the planet together," John suggests.

"Or they're gonna fight for it." Ford states. 

Kanayo speaks up this time. "Either way, the planet's only a few days away, so we don't have much time if we still intend to stop them." 

Sheppard gets up and walks to the door. "Alright. First things first: how to get out. Any luck?" 

Ronon gets up and stops by Aiden, giving him a harsh look. "Not yet."

"Don't worry, I'll figure a way out." The idiot who brought us here says. 

"I was afraid you were gonna say that." Sheppard quips. 

I chuckle. "That's why we bring McKay." 

Teyla is the only one that hears my comment and starts laughing, and I'm too quick to follow. Although, the situation is dire and we're on a Wraith ship the two of us cannot help but share a laugh with one another. All the boys give us a weird look once we finally calm down, and we just wave them off, finding it better to not piss Aiden off anymore. 

"Last time we were on one of these ships, McKay was able to open the door by cutting right into the wall." 

I'm about to speak up to do the throwing when Aiden steps up, and I want to see how all of this goes down. "You mean like with a knife?" 

"You have a knife?" Sheppard asks, surprised.

"One for them to find, one to keep. Everybody knows that." 

"Right! Forgot all about that rule." 

"Well, it's a good thing I'm here." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Right. Now, just take your time..." 

Before the Colonel is done talking Aiden launches the knife, hitting the panel but not opening the door. 

"I said take your time!" John yells.

"I hit the exact spot you were pointing at!"

"Alright, Alright. Anybody else have a knife?"

Again I go to step up but Ronon beats me to it. He pats Ford, and the man moves out of the way. He aims and throws the knife. This one didn't open the door but the lights go out.

"Getting warmer."

Ronon pulls out another, and another, missing each time. 

I finally get enough by the third one. "Let me do it. This is taking too long." 

Grabbing the throwing knife from my hiding spot, I walk up to the front. 

"Slow and..." 

"Shut up, John." 

I quickly launch the knife and immediately the door opens. 

"You should've done it first." Sheppard comments.

"Yeah, but I felt like giving the big men a try." 

When we turn around we see Aiden injecting himself. 

"Ford, what the hell are you doing?" John asks him.

"That's the last of it." 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang