Instinct PT. 4

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Sheppard looks at me surprised at my outburst. "Why would she do that?" 

"She must've overheard us talking about it. I told Zaddick it might be the key to making her human."  Beckett suggests.

Then we heard the wraith's father. "Please, you've got to find her before the villagers do."

"Look," I start. "Ronon says we're getting close. And if we end up losing the trail now, we may never catch the Wraith." I explain. 

There's a short pause. "Rodney and I will find her." 

"All right, but be careful." John orders.

"Understood." The doctor replies, and we get moving once again.


Ronon and I see a cave with cloth hanging on the outside so he goes to check it out and I stay to watch our surrounding area. 

"Sheppard, Allison. This is where he's been making camp. He was here less than an hour ago." He explains. 

I nod and we continue to keep looking but we soon hear gunshots and go running in that direction. When we finally arrive the townsfolk are there and Zaddick seems to be severely injured. 

"There's another one of those things out there. Look what it did to Zaddick. I say we go after it, now!" The barkeep says trying to incite the crowd. 

"No one's going anywhere. we'll handle this." Sheppard commands.

I speak up. "Just try to stay calm, okay. We have this, just give us time." After I walk to where Beckett and the others are.

"He's not going to make it." Is all I hear the Scottish man say, but it's enough to know the basics.

"This can't be happening. It's not possible." Goran exclaims.

"I'm sorry. Don't blame Ellia. It was my idea. You... have to understand that when I found her, I'd just lost my own wife and son to a fever." 

Zaddick begins to explain how he found Ellia but I am confused by the connection between the two men, so I ask Rodney.

"Zaddick is Goran's son and he let Ellia feed on him." The genius explains to me. 

I shake my head as Ronon approaches. "How tragic. He get's his son back only for him to die an old man." 

"You have such a big heart." Rodney tells me as he walks by Sheppard.

"I agree. I have never met someone who is so empathetic." Ronon states.

"I just get it. If I met my real parents only to lose them again, well, I don't think I would handle it very well." 

"Maybe, but you're brave. So, it will hurt and you'll cry but you'll keep pushing because of the rest of your family and friends." 

"How do you know me so well, in such a short amount of time?" I ask genuinely curious.

He shrugs. "You made it a point to get to know me, so I made sure to get to know you. Plus, you showed me those cool movies, Star Wars." 

I laugh quietly. "I can't wait to show you whats next."

After our short conversation that cheered me up slightly I walk up to the group. 

"I might be able to reverse the effects, if you bring her back alive, but I doubt she'll cooperate. She's also stronger and faster than any Wraith I've ever seen." Beckett explains.

John and I share a look. "Great."

Goran and Zaddick continue to talk, and it is clear that the father is upset. 

"We have to go." I tell the rest of our team.

They all nod. 


We have been walking for some time when Beckett radios us. "Colonel, Major.  

"Go ahead." 

"Zaddick's dead." Beckett informs us.


At that Ronon stops dead in his tracks, and I immediately get the feeling that makes every hair on my body stand up.

"She know we're here she's watching us." Ronon tells us.

Teyla speaks in no specific direction. "Ellia? We want to help you. Dr. Beckett can make you better, but you have to come with us. We will not hurt you." 

All the sudden Ellia comes out of nowhere and tackles Teyla. We all have our guns out but we can't get a clear shot. I decide to run in there and help Teyla but she gets the mutated Wraith off her and Ronon is able to shoot Ellia but she gets away.

I check on Teyla, and see that there is blood on the back of her head, and that she's unconscious.

"She took a blow to the head when Ellia hit her. Probably will have a mild concussion." I explain.

"You two stay with her." Sheppard orders.

"No, I'm coming with you. Or at least take Ronon she's dangerous." 

"That's an order, and you have a medical background, at least until Beckett gets here, and Ronon will help protect her." John tells us giving Teyla a sad look as he hands Ronon his jacket for a pillow. 

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