Conversion Pt. 3

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I walk in to a very heated argument between two scientist one I know Dr. Kavanaugh also known as the asshole, and one I do not.  

"I disagree. You are not taking into account what's happening to his Somatic cells."

"Beckett. Are you guys trying to fix him genetically?" 

"Yeah, why?" I give him a look when he asks this question. "Oh, dear you are brilliant."

"Wait, wait, wait. The best idea we've had so far is to try to repair his system on the genetic level by administering a massive, cloned embryonic stem cell treatment, but Ali had me realize we may be going the about this all wrong." Carson tells the team.

The other scientist speaks up. "I still think it's our best bet." 

"Introducing more human genetic material into his body is only going to give the retrovirus more fuel. I don't know how much simpler I can say that." 

I look to Beckett and he nods. " I can't believe I'm saying this but, I agree with Kavanaugh. That's why we use the Iratus bug stem cells."

"I'm sorry?" The asshole asks shocked.

"The Iratus bug stem cell, programmed with human RNA, wouldn't get rejected by his system..." I start.

"And would practically be ignored by the current strain of retrovirus." Beckett finishes.

"We attack it on the inside." One of the scientist realizes.

"Exactly! It would be like our own magic bullet, that could navigate the retrovirus and start to repair his mutated cells." Carson excitedly explains.

But one of the scientist comes to the realization that we don't have the time to make artificially make a stem cell of these capacity. And I think it over for a moment. 

"Well then, it looks like it's Easter, and we're hunting for some eggs. You guys just get the specifics done. Carson get Elizabeth on board, and I'll gather some recruits."

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now