Ford is Back PT. 7

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John and I share a look, realizing that Ronon and possibly Teyla are already hooked on the enzyme. 

John motions to the Ithosian. "What about you?

"The fact that I'm even considering it makes me feel..." 

Teyla doesn't get to finish her sentence when McKay comes through. "Hey." 

"Yes, Rod." 

"It's ready." 

"I'll grab my stuff," I say ready to walk out.

"I'm coming with you."

"No, it's okay."

"I have to grab my gear too."

I sigh, "Fine."

We walk in silence for the most part but Ronon speaks up. "Are you upset with me?"


"You're lying." The Satedan grabs my arm and turns me around to face him. 

"Ronon, I don't want to talk about it, especially with you being drugged and hyper." I sigh. "Look you want to be on the enzyme, I don't, right now we just have a difference in opinion."

"But it works." 

"Sure, but I just beat that guy's ass without it. What does that mean? Tell me Ronon."

He doesn't respond and I can tell he's irritated by my outburst. "Now, I'm going to grab my gear and go to the meadow."


"Look, this is probably going to make you a little uneasy, but when the canopy forms, it's perfectly opaque," Rodney explains to John who is already in the cockpit of the dart.

"Then how am I going to fly this thing."

"The whole thing is one giant heads-up display. It'll show you all the pertinent information you need." 

"Yeah in Wraith." 

"Which is why I've installed an interface to translate a lot of the readouts."

"By 'a lot' do you mean all? Because my Wraith's not all that good." 

"Enough to get you by."

Ford walks up to the pair. "I knew you could do it. Right on time. Kanayo will get you suited up. You should get ready."

McKay climbs down the ladder and goes to do what he was told. 

"He seems a little nervous." He says as he replaces Rodney and sits on the ladder. 

"You know McKay. He'll be fine."

"You know how to dial the DHD on this thing?

"Got the addresses memorized." 

Our captor nods. "Good. Listen, I should probably tell you... there's been a slight change of plans." 

"Oh yeah."


At that moment, all of his lackeys aim their weapons at Rod. Both Ronon and I draw our weapons to try and save him, but they aim at us as well. 

"Don't even think about it!" Kanayo yells at the two of us.

"Aiden, what the hell are you doing?" I yell out.

"McKay's going to stay here while we do the op. Take him!" 

Ford's men begin to take him away as he yells at the situation. I'm about to go after him when Teyla grabs my arm and shakes her head. 

"That wasn't part of the plan."

"Neither was you heading back to Atlantis. You didn't really buy the "I want to go home' speech, did you? You're always underestimating me, Sheppard. You need to stop doing that. Complete the mission, and McKay lives."

"We can't complete the mission, Ford. It's a bad plan!"

"You said it was a great plan." 

"You didn't buy the whole "It's a great plan" speech did you?" 

I smirk at the Colonel's comeback, causing Ford to give me a dirty look. "Get this dart in the air and come scoop us up. Oh... and the Dart DHD only dials to the planet we're going to and back here. Just in case McKay's life isn't enough to make you do the right thing." 

With that, he walks away, but I grab his arm. "Aiden... don't do this."

"I have to make sure you guys hold up your end of the bargain." He free's himself of my hold. "It's okay, give them back their weapons."

"Are you sure?" Kanayo asks.

"Yeah. If we're going to do this, we've all got to work together." Ford hands Sheppard his pistol and walks over to me handing me mine. 

"Good luck to us all." 

Ronon looks down at me and nods as Sheppard takes off and quickly picks us up.


When we all materialize the bridge seems to be too narrow and some of the crew fall, including Jace.

"Jace!" Aiden yells.

"We have to go after them!" 

"No one would have survived that fall," Teyla explains to Kanayo.

"Not even someone on the enzyme," I add.  

Ronon grabs my wrist "We have to get out of the open." 

Sheppard radios Ford. "You guys okay?" 

"No, we're not okay. You beamed half of us off the edge of the platform." 

"Teyla, Ronon, and Ali?"

"Is that all you care about? You murdered my men." 

"I've lost all control of the dart. I had to release you blind." 

Aiden is so angry that he's obviously blinded. "Maintain radio silence until we lay the charge." 

Sheppard starts to say no but the man turns off his radio anyway. 

"Ford, you need to leave the radio on."

He turns to me. "You don't tell me what to do. Not anymore." 

As we're walking the alarm starts going off. 

"What is that." 

"It's an alarm." Both Ronon and I answer in sync.

"That shouldn't happen." Ford comments. 

"No, it shouldn't." 

"Would you mind turning on the radio now, Aiden?" 

He rolls his eyes and radios Sheppard.

"I think I might have set the alarm off. You guys be careful because there's probably some guards on the way." 

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