Common Ground PT. 3

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We continue to wait for any kind of transmission when the Stargate activates. 

"I'm receiving the new Genii IDC along with a video feed." Chuck calls out. 


"Put it on the screen!" Weir orders. 

"Are you receiving me?"

 "We were starting to get worried." 

"Yes, I'm sure you had doubts." Ladon starts. "But the truth is, the interrogation took longer than I hoped. We've secured the location of Kolya's base. I'm forwarding you the dialing coordinates right now." 

"Are you certain?" 

"Certain enough to send a full brigade through the Gate. It will take us an hour to marshall our forces. I thought you might want that time." 

"What will we be up against?" 

"Nothing one of your cloaked jumpers and my good friend Ronon couldn't handle. I ask only that you leave Kolya for my own forces to find." 

"No promises." 

He nods. "I understand."

The transmission ends, and Elizabeth turns to face us. 

"All right, get a cloaked jumper and a team of marines." 

"Yes, ma'am," I respond, and take off running, getting us ready to rescue our friend. 

I examine the HUD directing McKay as he flies. "Looks like the facility is directly ahead of us." 

"We're detecting life signs on the surface miles from the bunker," McKay informs us. 

"How many?" 

"When it first came up, it was eight, then four... I don't get it. Now, its just the two." 

"What's going on down there?" Beckett asks.

"One of them is definitely Sheppard, his transmitters still broadcasting," I answer. 

"Could the other one be Kolya?" Teyla inquires.

"Let's hope so." Comes Ronon's answer, but then he turns to McKay. "Land a hundred meters to the south of their position."


McKay follows the order despite being confused.

We trek through the forest with Ronon and me leading the team. We hold for a moment until we hear John crying out, then race forward. When we finally see him, a Wraith is over top of him, feeding.

Ronon gets there first and rips the Wraith off, and is ready to kill him when the Colonel calls out. 

"Wait! Leave him. That's an order!" Ronon begrudgingly listens and lowers his pistol. 

"I don't understand." Carson starts, flabbergasted. "We all saw what he did to you." 

Sheppard approaches the Wraith with a shocked expression. "He just undid it. Lower your weapons." We all comply.

"How is this possible?" Teyla asks. 

"Don't ask me." 

"The gift of life is reserved for only our most devout worshippers.... and our brothers." 

"Well, I guess there's a lot about the Wraith we don't know."

"Sheppard gave me back my life. I merely repaid the debt."

"What debt?! Are you kidding? I mean, he looks younger than he did before!" Rod exclaims.

"Not to stop this wonderful lesson," I start, "But, what about Kolya?"

"Oh god." He begins looking for a radio, but then he sees it on the ground and calls out for his captor on the radio. "Kolya? This is Sheppard. Kolya? I figured you'd run! Next time, I kill you on sight, do you hear me?!" 

After the explosive one-sided" call, John turns to us. "Let's get off this rock." 

"What about him?" Ronon asks, nodding towards the Wraith.

"We had a deal, right?"

"I did not truly expect you to honor it." 

The man chuckles when Ronon hands him his pistol. At first, Sheppard only examines the weapon, but then in a flash of an eye, he shoots the Wraith.

The Sataden takes back his gun and checks the setting. "You didn't kill him." 

"No, I didn't." He faces the Marines. "Get him in the jumper. We're gonna drop him off somewhere." 

We reach the Stargate and quickly get Sheppard in gear, and head to a different planet to drop off the Wraith, that he named Todd. 

*Sorry for the short chapter but now I'm on to the next episode.

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