Ford is Back PT.1

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After the events on the Aurora the team has gotten back to a normal and now we are just walking through a forest to deal with what seems to be a normal, not so dangerous mission.

"This is ridiculous." 

"Well, keep complaining about it, and we may get there faster." John responds to the irritated scientist. 

"Well, couldn't we have met these people on a tropical beach planet, populated by tall, blonde women?" 

Rodney's comment makes me roll my eyes. 

"Whoever wants to speak with us obviously values their privacy." Teyla comments.

"Yes, well, I value my time, and this is a waste of it."

"Rod, the thing that's wasting time, is having to listen to you complain. This is the mission."

"Yeah, well, it strikes me that this is a mission better suited to one of the lower echelon teams."

Ronon face fills with confusion. "Lower echelon?"

"He means to say "less important."" Teyla answers.

"We got a tip from one of Teyla's contacts. We're following it up." John justifies the reasoning for this mission.

"And this is, like, what, the umpteenth tip we've followed up in a search of a ZPM?"

"Rodney..." I say with a warning in my voice.

"Look, I just want to make it clear that every second I am out of my lab is a second the galaxy goes without another groundbreaking...." 

Rodney doesn't get to finish whatever arrogant thing he was going to say because all the sudden we were stunned unconscious.


When I finally come too, I am sitting a big dining table next to Ronon, while we are surrounded by men.

"You guys okay?" 

I nod, while McKay gets all snappy with the Colonel.

"Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to get us to dinner... Not a talkative bunch, are you?"

No one answers the question but a man speaks up. "If we release you from your bindings, do you promise not to attack us."

"Sure." Ronon lies.

"Yeah, I promise." I add.

Before we are released I hear a familiar chuckle, and when I turn I see Aiden.

"Before we untie them, they have to know that they're among friends."



"You two thought I was dead, didn't you?" 

I look around the room with an anxiety and excitement.

They then untie us and serve us a plate of food. "Guys, please eat."

Ronon and McKay start to eat after Aiden eats off of Teyla's plate.

"Well, men, this used to be my team." Ford then gestures to Ronon. "Well, not this one... but I think he's okay, too."

"What is all this?" Sheppard asks.

"Just some local vegetables, a sort of alligator thing, It tastes like salted meat. It's good. Try."

"I'm not talking about the food. What the hell is going on?"

"Who are these men? And why bring us here like this?" Teyla asks.

"Whoa. That's a lot of questions."

"Pick one." Ronon grumbles.

"'Pick one'. That's good. Where'd you find him, Ali?" He asks bending down and looking me directly in the eye, and grabbing my chin, and quickly releases it.

Ronon gives me a look, but I just shake my head, not wanting to talk about it. 

"Aiden, why don't you start with how you escaped the Wraith dart." 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now