Progeny PT. 2

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A/N: Just fyi this chapter will not go exactly as the episode goes because we are not following Sheppards "Dream" but Ali's. That's also part of the reason this chapter took so long to come out because I had to come up with it and wanted it to make sense to. 

We continue to walk down the Corridor. 

"Niam, " Weir starts, "I was wondering your people have been here for thousands of years?"


"Well, in that time, most Ancients we know have ascended." 

Niam stops suddenly, jarred. "You know of ascension?"

"Well, yes. In fact, we always thought that Ancients were no longer around, that most of them evolved to the point of transforming into beings of pure energy." 

"This is true!"

"But I take it your people aren't interested?" 

"Oh, ascensions the goal of many of us. But Oberothe feels there is much to do. We must become all that we can." 

"You don't agree with him, do you?"

He looks around us, almost as if he hopes nobody heard what he revealed about himself. "Your guest quarters are this way." Niam hurries.

After we were led to the room, we sat alone, discussing our discovery. "It must have been quite a serious falling out for the Ancients to eliminate any reference to them in the entire database?" 

"Unless they are lying," Teyla interjects. "Might it not be possible that these people merely... discovered this city, as you discovered Atlantis?"

"Wouldn't be surprised. They don't seem very... Ancienty to me." 

"Ancienty?" McKay asks incredulously. 

Sheppard looks irritated at Rodney's correction. "Yes, that's the word I was looking for." 

"I mean it's possible. But, why would they hide, and if they are Ancients even if they disagreed Ascension is like the whole goal as a people, even before the Wraith. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it." 

Elizabeth turns to me. "You think they could be deceiving us?" 

"I mean, I think Teyla's right." 

"So do I," the Colonel starts. "They could've found the city the way it was and moved in years ago." 

"I feel they are hiding... something."

"Other than their plan to defeat the Wraith, you mean," Elizabeth states wryly.

"There's no plan," Ronon calls out. 

"I agree. No one actually does this much work to keep it a secret for this long, and doesn't actually execute the plan." 

"Why would they say they had a plan if they don't have a plan?" Rodney asks. 

John answers. "They figured out a way to hide from the rest of the galaxy, including the Wraith, and they're happy to go on with their lives just... minding their own business." 

"Then, whoever they are..." Ronon starts. 

"I think that is what we need to find out." 

We all agree with Weir and decide that our best way to figure that out is to have Elizabeth meet Oberothe one on one, in the guise of establishing trade. 

After the unsuccessful discussion, Niam is escorting us to the Stargate, the guilt and sadness clear on his face. 

"I'm sorry you feel you must leave." 

"Yes, so am I." Weir responds.

"Oberoth can be..." He searches for the right word, "intractable."

"Not exactly the word I was looking for." John quips. 

"Un-Ancienty?" McKay shoots back.

"Not that word either." 

We reach the Stargate, and Weir begins to speak with Niam once again. "We will send you a message through the Stargate soon. Oh, hopefully, this is just a stumbled beginning..."

Before she can finish her statement, multiple soldiers surround us, and we get ready to fight. Oberoth comes into the room, and Niam goes to stand beside him, and it finally becomes clear why he was shrouded in guilt. 

"Lower your weapons." 

John barely lowers his gun, aiming straight for Oberoth. "How much lower would you like them?"

"Do you really wish to challenge us?" 

A guard nudges Sheppard with a weapon. "Uh, Maybe the floor?" He slowly puts his weapon on the floor." 

After we all follow his example, and the escort us to a cell. 

"This sucks." 

"Tell me about it." Rodney agrees. 

I sit on the floor next to Ronon and he looks down at me. 

"What is it?" 

"You seem bothered." 

"Well, we are imprisoned in a cell." 

"It's more than that." 

Sometimes it feels like Ronon can read my mind, but that was scarily accurate. "How'd you know?"

"You're doing that thing with your face." 

A chuckle passes through my lips. "It's just that, something feels off, more than just us being thrown in here. What information could they want? And why not just pull us out individually and interrogate us? And yet, there is something so familiar about them, I felt it since we got here I just thought it was because they were Ancients, but there's no way. It has to be something, I just can't put my finger on it...."

The large man pulls me closer to his side, a strange action even with how close we are. "Slow down, explain that last part." 

"I just feel like something about them is familiar." 

Rod turns around. "What about them?"

"I'm not sure, but all I know is they remind me of something from Earth. It doesn't matter right now. We need to get back home." 

"Your right." Weir agrees. 

Just as the conversation finishes, Niam and some guards walk in and we all stand. "Major Allison. Come with us." 

"I don't think so." Ronon puts himself between me and the guards. 

"Please stop, if you refuse to cooperate then we won't have a choice but to respond with force."

"You heard the man. You're not taking her." The colonel defends. 

"Just tell us what you want," Teyla demands.

They don't respond and just attack them, we all try to fight back, but I see Ronon, John, McKay, and Teyla writhing in pain and they just keep going, and all that's left standing is Weir and I and it's impossible for the two of us to stop them. 

"Stop!" I yell out. "I'll go! Just stop." 

Everything goes black and there is excruciating pain, and when I open my eyes, we are all on our knees, and their hands are being slowly removed from our skulls. And it all makes sense at once, as I look up at our captors.

"What the hell just happened?" John yells out, but they don't answer they just leave, but he continues to yell out to them. "Who the hell are you people?"

"They're not people." I start, panting. "They're Replicators."

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