Conversion PT.6

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A/N: I am so sorry this took so long! I had this whole episode finished but Wattpad didn't save it so I'm almost done but I wanted to give you guys at least this much. Thank you for being so patient and supportive!

Shortly after John's outburst we leave to find the eggs.

"So what are we looking for?" Lorne asks.

"According to the Ancient database, probably a cave. Cool, damp, and dark, which I translate to scar, awful, bad."

"They wouldn't want their nests out in the open. A cave keeps eggs away from the predators." Ronon comments.

"I always figured they were the predator." Rod retorts.

"I guarantees there's something out here worse."


I smile and add. "They've got to feed on something."

"Thank you, Thank you for that, Ali."

"You're welcome." I say causing Ronon to chuckle.

"The foot of that mountain range starts about a mile up this way. That's probably our best bet for caves."

"Agreed." Beckett states.

"Okay, let's pick up the pace." With that we keep walking.

After some time we finally reach the dark, damp cave where the iratus bugs will be found and enter. Soon we reach a place where the little buggers cover the floor.

"So how do we want to play this?" Lorne asks no one in particular.

"They'll defend their young." Ronon informs.

Rodney speaks up. "Maybe we should make a diversion."

"Are you volunteering?" Lorne questions him.

"I'll shut up."

"I don't believe we can get close enough to retrieve the eggs without these creatures attacking." Teyla warns.

The good doctor holds up a tool to retrieve the eggs. "I have this, but I need to get under that." He points to a water canister and I hand it to him. "If there is one thing that we know about them it's that they hate salt water."

"How is that going to help us?" Lorne asks.

"Just watch him." I reply.

Beckett pours salt water on the bugs and they all begin to back away.

"See? Not stupid." Rod defends himself.

"Ah shut up!" Beckett responds.

Carson starts to use the long tool and moves farther, but quickly Ronon yells out in warning just as a bug drops from the ceiling. The Satedan shoots the Iratus bug agitating the rest.

"Everyone run!" I yell out, I make sure that the two doctors are in front of me and between everyone else and yell out to Walker and Stevens. "Let's go!"

I run towards the exit but pause a moment to call out to our two men. "Walker, Stevens get out! Do you copy!?" The only answer I get is screams so I grab a grenade, pull the pin, and through it as far as I can and keep running.

As I catch up to Ronon the explosion knocks me off my feet. When I finally open my eyes, the former Specialist is on top of me.

"Hey." He says turning a faint red.

"Hi there." He gets up, and helps me up.

"I think that stopped them."

"We're not sticking around to find out. Ma'am I think we need to pull the plug, and go back to the gate." Lorne suggests.

"We can't give up!" Beckett says agitated.

"Lorne is right." I sigh. "We just lost two men in there Carson and I have to tell their families. So unless we find another way we're done."


When we get back we let Carson brief Weir, and I go back to my room to take a shower.

I sit in the water crying, angry and disappointed.

"Ali?" I hear Ronon call out.

"I'm in the shower."

There's no response until I hear the door open. "Ronon?"

"How much longer?"

I sniff, my voice cracking. "Give me 5 minutes, wait outside my quarters."


I quickly get changed into civilian clothes (Media) and let Ronon into the room.

I sit on the bed and begin to braid my hair as Ronon follows me. "You okay?"

"No. Not only did I fail John but now I lost two men and Weir said she would tell their family for me, but..."

"You feel guilty?"

I nod as an answer, as a tear escapes. Ronon wipes it away.

"Look, we may have failed, but we tried and I'm pissed but you're smart. Do you have any ideas about what to do?"

For a moment I just sit there, and just I was about to answer Weir calls out saying Sheppard has escaped his containment. 

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