Wraith and Ford PT. 2

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Ronon is upset by the reveal. "What about the rest of us?"

"You don't need it." Kanayo answers.

"You don't know that." 

We all start to head for the door when John stops Ford with a hand to the chest. "We're heading to the dart bay. We stay together, and stay quiet." 

Our captor nods and has Sheppard take the lead. He leads us quickly toward the Dart bay as he said we would when Teyla tells us to stop. 

"They are coming."

Just as she said, A Wraith guard walks around the corner and straight into us. 

"I got it." Ford heads towards the guard.


"Ford!" John and I call out but it's too late.

The Wraith fires a stunner but there seems to be no effect. The man continues to fight Hand to Hand with him and tosses the stunner towards Ronon, and the large Statedan man catches it with no problem. He then uses a move I taught him and rolls on the ground and brings the Wraith down with him. 

"Move!" Ronon calls out. At that Ford jumps out the way and allows the Satedan to stun the guard.

"More coming!" The goon yells out.

John then calls for us to follow him as more Wraith start coming for us. We finally slow down when we reach a place where people are being held in these large cocoons.

I start to examine one with a woman in it, and she starts speaking. "Help us. Please, help us." 

"Oh my God, they're alive!" I gasp. "We got to help them." 

John and Teyla help me to tear the Webbing, but Aiden starts to yell at us. "We don't have time to stop. This isn't the mission!"

"For the love of all that is holy! Aiden the mission is over!" 

"Ali's right. All there's just your stupid plan." John supports. 

He starts to fight back at us, but the Colonel won't have it. "Look the sooner you stop arguing with me and help save these people, the quicker we get out of here." 

We continue to get the people out of there, Ronon's keeping watch when four guards come in. All of us are grabbing somebody who we freed, but I hear a groan and see John was stunned. I turn around and See Ronon trying to fight, but before I get a chance too run a Wraith fires a shot towards me, it lands my shoulder so I'm mostly okay, a bit slow but okay, but I get hit a second time and everything goes black. 


When I wake up I'm laying on Ronon's shoulder and I let out a groan. He shifts his head towards me. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I think so. I hate getting stunned." I look around the room seeing Teyla, and Kanayo but no Sheppard or Ford. "Where's the other two?"

"I don't know. I believe they separated us." Teyla answers.

"Makes it harder for us to escape." I nod. "They know we won't leave each other so they have a better chance of catching us if we do escape." 

The Satedan nods, but his face scrunches as he looks at me. "You have a bunch of cuts, you fell on your face when they stunned you."

"We'll have to take care of it when we get back. How are you feeling?" 

"Kanayo believes the enzyme's wearing off. And I agree." The Ithosian answers.

Ronon stands to watch out the cell door, but returns soon and just lays back. 

"Are you alright?" Teyla asks.

"Yeah, you don't look too good." 

"Just tired." he simply answers. "Can I lay down?" 

"Sure." I go to move, but before I cand do so he just lays across my lap and closes his eyes. The action surprises me but I figure that will allow me to relax.

"No. The enzymes leaving your bodies. Mine too." Kanayo corrects.

"How bad will it get?" I ask for them.

He sounds scared as he answers. "Bad. Maybe not for you, you guys haven't been on the enzyme for long." I can tell he's on the verge of tears. "But for me, on the other hand..." 

I look to my friend whos sitting on the ground and offer a comforting smile, but I look at the man on my lap and he's looking up at me, and I can see the fear in his eyes. 

"It's going to be okay," I whisper. "I'll be here the whole time." 

Ronon nods and closes his eyes, and I start to hum a tune that Sam would when I got scared. Truth is, I'm terrified I don't know how to help my friends, and what I do know is that all of this is going to get worse, Kanayo won't make it, and I'm going to have to be a good surrogate doctor. 


Ronon's sitting up and clenching his stomach. "Give me your arm." 


"Ronon, I need you to hand me your arm, I need to test your heart rate." He thrusts his arm, and as I test I feel how high it is. 


Teyla is shouting at Kanayo to try and convince him to stay alive when she runs up to us.

"I don't know what else to do for him."

I sigh. "I can't do anything. We have no enzyme, and he's been on it for so long that it will kill him, this stuff is highly addictive. Which is why I don't approve." 

The moment the words leave my mouth he falls limp. I walk over to Kanayo, and bring a hand to his neck. "He's dead. 

The Satedan looks to me. "Is that gonna happen to us?"

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