A Spy Pt. 2

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After briefing everyone available, including Ronon, about the Goa'uld I was sent with the Satedan man to lead a team to search for an explosive.

"Colonel Sheppard, how's it going?" Weir asks over the comms.

"Checking the east pier power distribution centers. Still nothin'. We're headed to the west pier now." The aforementioned man answers.

"Ronon, Major Ali? How about you?"

"Checking the grounding stations. Also nothing." Ronon answers.

"We got eight teams, but it's a massive city, this is going to take a while," I add.

"Understood. Be advised: we got a second message relayed to us..." Before Elizabeth can finish what she has to say a commotion starts.

The gate tries to dial to earth all by itself, but because Rodney removed the ZPM the gate stopped.

"Did I just heart right, the Gate dialed by itself?" The Colonel asks over comms, flabbergasted.

"Uh yes, it tried to dial Earth."

"Whoever planted the bomb must have devised a program to upload itself and automatically dial the gate as a backup in case the first dialing was halted," Rod hypothesizes.

All of a sudden the Rodney utters an oh no, and we're all confused. "McKay, what's up?" I ask him.

"We just started broadcasting a distress beacon. The Gate dialed itself in order to draw attention away from the transmitter!"

Both John and I scream out to him. "Turn it off!"

"I am." He's silent as he rushes. "It's too late. The damage is already done. The two Wraith cruisers I was monitoring..." The scientist stutters for a second, "they've picked up the beacon, they've altered course and heading straight for Atlantis."

Ronon and I share a look. "Go help him."

I nod and take off running.


Dr. Weir, Rodney, and I are talking when John runs up.

"How long before they get here?" The dark-haired woman asks.

"A day, maybe a day and a half, depending on if they need to make a hyperspace pause along the way. We'll need to cloak the city again." Rod answers.

I scrunch up my face. "True, but even when we're cloaked, the Wraith is going to wonder where the signal came from."

"Well, then, we need a ruse. We'll take a transmitter and dump it along with some charred rubble on a beach on the mainland, and they'll think it's jetsam that washed up when the city exploded during the siege."  He tries to suggest.

"Hang on, back up a second. Let me get this straight. You think our bomb guy did this?" John asks confused.

"It'd be fairly easy for them to figure out that the Wraith were close, we've been tracking them for quite a bit," I answer.

"So he gets the Gate to dial by itself in order to distract us so he can broadcast a distress beacon that'll be picked up by..."

"By the Wraith, yes, I believe so," McKay responds to the Colonel. 

"Ok, Why?" 

Cadman speaks up. "Well, maybe he wants to blow up the Wraith along with the city." 

"Two cruisers. They're insignificant compared to al the hive ships that are still out there." Rodney responds, voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"Well, we don't have much time, so whatever the connection is, let's try to figure it out before the cruisers get here," Elizabeth commands. 

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