It's been a Good While

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It had been days since we last saw each other, trying to be on a dangerous mission while dating someone is no easy feat, yet here we are. Although not seeing Ronon for this long isn't a normality, we're always together, whether on a mission or here at home, in Atlantis. When people reference us they normally say Ronon and Allison or Ronon and Ali, especially Sheppard when he's looking for us. Maybe that's why this period feels so long, it feels so good when I see his giant form through my quarter doors, and why I fling myself at him. 

"I've missed you too, Ali." Ronon's chest rumbles with laughter.

"How was it?" 

"It was good. My people are doing well, they still struggle but they're together and, now we have a home of our own." 

"We?" I cock my head to the side.

He rubs the back of his neck, a gesture he only makes when he's nervous to tell me something. "They've offered me a place with them. I accepted."

"Oh." I take a deep breath, willing the tears to stop fruitlessly. I know I'm being silly, of course, he wants to be with them, and I can't blame him for it. It's just hard knowing this is probably one of the last times we'll be together like this, living in the same place, same world, and maybe heaven forbid the same galaxy. "When do you leave?" 

"Ali, my love. The home is for us." 

"For us? But, I -"

"I know your family is on Earth but," he sighs, " I talked to Sheppard and he told me when a guy loves a girl like you this much he normally buys her a diamond ring."

I hold my breath, as he pulls out a small pouch from his pocket and produces the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. Tears start welling in my eyes, daring me to try and hold them back. 

"I know it's not like the ones they have from back at your home but this one, I made myself with a lot of help from Rodney. I also read that I should ask for permission from the girl's family and they all said yes." He takes a shaky breath. "And I don't plan on us leaving here until the Wraith is gone, but we have a home to go to when we're ready and we can live there and have a normal enough life there."

"So, Allison Selene O'Neill will you marry me?" 

*Just a little something (a one-shot au) for my absence sorry about that, my family had a lot of health issues at once, like my grandmother had a heart attack and everything else took the back burner. But I'm back now. Hope you like this and are willing to still read it.

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now