McKay and Mrs. Miller PT.1

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I'm hanging out with a bickering Zelenka and McKay in the lab, trying to work on the bridge when Sheppard busts in.

"Sorry to interrupt, kids, but you need to pack your toothbrush. Head back to Earth."

"I do? Why?"

"Carter needs help." 

Mckay looks up, practically preening at the idea. "Ah, with what?"

"Your sister."

At the revelation, Rodney's face drops, and gives a quick goodbye and heads to pack. 

"Can I go, sir?"

"Sorry, Ali. Carter already said she needs you here to keep looking for gates."

"Oh, okay, no worries." 

"Hey," John puts a hand on my shoulder, "You okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, just miss her. But I'll be okay if I get this done, it'll be easier to see them." 

"Good attitude, O'Neill." 

As the days pass I spend time with Ronon and the team. Normally, I would spend time in the lab trying to help with the project, but frankly, the science and the math are way over my head. So while Zelenka is testing a containment center, I spar with Teyla, while Ronon waits on the sidelines, winner plays next rules.

Teyla is beating me, there's no doubt about it. Normally, there's a little more fight in me, but I've been exhausted all week. 

"What is going on in your head?"

At her question, I drop my form. "What do you mean?"'

"You are not here, in the fight. If I was not careful, you could have gotten hurt. Which is something you know! So what is going on in your head?"

"I don't know." I sigh, taking a seat next to Ronon, "I thought, I would be fine waiting for the Midway station to be done to see my family again, but it kind of sucks. I mean, I fully understand not going, it makes sense from an objective point of view. I am of more use looking for Stargates than helping with a project I can only grasp at. I mean, yes was I helpful last time, sure, but when there are three more qualified scientist, I'll be of no help in that aspect. And I know I have it really good, having two families, the ones who raised me, and you guys but sometimes..." 

"You miss them." Ronon finishes for me. 


He then reaches over and hugs me from the side, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. Even with the Satedan learning to be more comfortable, this is a big deal and its exactly what I needed, and I realize more and more that, this man I have come to see as one of my best friends is beginning to know just what I need, and it just makes me feel warm and cared for, in a way that I don't know I've ever experienced before. 

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